
2012年10月28日 星期日

(Reprint)The Seven Billion People Worldwide Have the Right to Know the Truth about the Authoritarian Regimes of the Successive Dalai Lamas

Copied from: http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/trueheart_en/40

(By the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei)Chairman Zhang Gongpu of The True Enlightenment Education Foundation remarks on a broadcast by Apple Daily News on 7 April, 2012 entitled "The Dalai Lama talks of Tibet: 1.2 billions of Chinese citizens have the right to know the truth," discussing the self-immolation incidents of Tibetans, and mentions that what the Dalai Lama said during the interview pointed exactly to his own wrong doings and he ought to clarify these to the entire world.

During the interview, the Dalai Lama said: "The problem is here (heart), they lack respect for other's life, lack of holistic view, very short-sighted, too much self-centered attitude. I have power! I have to control these people, even if there has to be killing ..." The Dalai Lama's words actually reflect the truth of who he is and reveal a peek at his bloody regime in Tibet back through history.
Chairman Zhang remarks: The Dalai Lama is very good at concealing horrific historical facts of his own deeds and magnifying the deeds of other political regimes. Before he talks about others, he should tell that throughout the history of Old Tibet, lamas and nobles accounted for only two to three percent of the total population and had authoritarian rule over the other ninety seven to ninety eight percent who were serfs.
Under the lamas’ authoritarian control, Buddhist “compassion” vanished entirely. Serfs were property and could be traded, penalized and slain at their will. To further control serfs, cruelties such as chopping off limbs, cutting out tongues, gouging out eyeballs, skin flaying… were common. Historical records clearly document that to celebrate the Dalais’ birthdays, human brains, limbs, viscera, etc. were used for “ritual offerings.” A usury system was set up in order to exploit the serfs for hard labor and their debts rolled endlessly from one generation to the next. Descendants were destined to be born into lifelong serfdom.

The above mentioned “history of serfs” in the Old Tibet - is this not the bloody “history of Dalais’ regime”? The deeds of Dalais throughout history are described perfectly by the current Dalai Lama: “the problem is here (heart), lack of respect for other’s life, lack of holistic view.” The problem originated from nowhere else but the “hearts” of lamas, not the minds of Buddhists. The bloodthirsty and militant followers of Lamaism, with the short-sighted interest of domination, used religion to sugarcoat poisoned politics, and used words like “karma” and “reincarnation” to beguile the masses of serfs into accepting their living hell under Dalais' regime while yearning for a better re-birth in next life.

The life of serfs was poor. They dressed in ragged clothes and even lived with animals. To totally control serfs, lamas and nobles established a police force (Zimag) and an army (Dob-Dobs) comprised of monks. In addition, many temples which were the property of the Dalai Lama had execution chambers. Moreover, the law of Old Tibet, court system, police, and army, were all under the control of the Gelugpa Sect. This Sect of Dalai Lama had power over the life and death of serfs.
(Colin Goldner, Dalai Lama – Fall eines Gottkonigs, Alibri Verlag, Germany, 1999, New Edition 2008.)

In the interview the Dalai Lama also said: "Now I think this problem of self immolation has nothing to do with Buddhism, nothing to do with Tibetan Buddhist culture which is very peaceful, very compassionate as I mentioned earlier. The crux of the problem lies in policy that oppresses religion, those China hawks, narrow-minded people, deliberately covering the truth and giving a lot of wrong information."
Chairman Zhang points out: The Dalai Lama condemns China hawks for covering up the truth, but isn’t he also deliberately “covering his own truth and giving a lot of wrong information”? He conceals the facts of his own bloody regime in the history of Tibet, creates a false image of discontented Tibetans under Chinese ruling; he even intentionally ignores and distorts historical facts to hold up against China. In fact, overall only two to three percent of the population, namely lamas and nobles due to the loss of their benefit, are the most dissatisfied ones with China, not the vast majority of Tibetans who were liberated from serfdom. To denounce China as “invading” Tibet to the Europeans and Americans is indeed for Dalai's own sake, for lamas and nobles to regain their privileged “theocracy,” and not for the “equal rights and interests” of Tibetan serfs, whose future generations would still be unable to repay their usury debts.
Tibetan riots initiated before Beijing Olympics in 2008 and recent consecutive self-immolation incidents were performed by those lamas who no longer had the privileges of theocratic that they had in the past. The New Tibetan citizens are more knowledgeable now, and their living standard has greatly improved because the Qinghai-Tibet railway has come into operation. Modern communication has enlightened Tibetan public who are gradually realizing that lamas are not holy; some of the younger New Tibetan generation even see lamas as beggars. Lamas are no longer significant in New Tibet, and their lifestyle and power cannot compare to their glamorous past. Due to their discontent with the current situation, lamas are willing to follow the Dalai's instructions and set themselves on fire to gain international attentions and give pressure to the Chinese authorities. The lamas are desperately trying to restore their aristocratic life style and political power through such acts.
None the less, these lamas attribute their loss of hefty offerings to the appearance of Chinese officials instead of accepting the fact that decent Tibetan people have been liberated from the living hell of serfdom. New Tibetan lamas who carried out instructions from the Dalai to protest against the Chinese government with self-immolation acts have clearly missed the target.
Chairman Zhang questions: If the Dalai Lamas of the past were leaders who purported “Tibetan Buddhism that propagates peace and compassion,” why did they never show any signs of compassion? Why, for hundreds of years, did they not personally put an end to serfdom, or end the cruel law and legislation of military governance that exploit serfs? The fourteenth Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of “Tibetan Buddhism that propagates peace and compassion,” why did he not show great compassion and apologize publicly for the cruel serf system of the past? The whole incident reflects the plot of the Mustang event; on the one hand, he uses others, but on the other hand, he pretends to be the “incarnation of Avalokitesvara” and plays a double-faced trick.
Since the Dalai Lama is incarnation of the “Merciful Avalokitesvara,” he could easily avert the self-immolation activities of his fellow lamas with his clever political strategies; similar to the case of electing Panchen Lama in the past, many mobile phones could directly reach Dharamsala just as live broadcast. Now, he expresses his “sorrow” to the media, but we wonder where is his mercy or great compassion? Are these the deeds of merciful Avalokitesvara?
Judging from these, the lifelong goal of the Dalai Lama is to pursuit their loss benefit and to restore theocracy of the Old Tibetan Kingdom. For such reasons, the Dalai Lama will continue to use self-immolation incidents to create international controversies to achieve his political aim.
Such a spiritual leader of “Tibetan Buddhism” is exactly as what he described in the interview: "Some say I am a God-King, some say a demon, some even describe me as a Nazi." He is conveying the message that he wishes to be both a secular world leader as well as a religious dharma king. As a leader, he brutalized his own people and conned his fellow lamas into setting themselves on fire to achieve his political aim. As he said, he is a God-King and demon, this sounds accurate.
As for being "a Nazi," history has not mistaken him on that fact. Historical evidence has already proven that Hitler did send exploring teams to Tibet. Heinrich Harrer, a Nazi member, used the identity of NSDAP, SS and SA to appear in Lhasa, Tibet, as an initial teacher to the Dalai Lama. Before Harrer’s death in 2006, the Dalai Lama was closely connected to him. In 1994, the Dalai Lama met his old friends in London, all of whom were Nazi members, including Kazi Sonam Togpyal, Robert Ford, Ronguy Collectt, Bruno Beger, Heinrich Harrer, Joan Mary Jehu, Archibald Jack and Fosco Maraini.
Chairman Zhang questions: Why is the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of “Tibetan Buddhism that propagates peace and compassion,” deeply involved with members of Nazis, who are notorious for their ruthless killing nature?
Lastly, Chairman Zhang sincerely appeals:
The truth must be disclosed!
The seven billion people of the world have the right to know the reality of Dalai Lamas’ authoritarian regime in Tibet.
Editor’s Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on
April 28, 2012.

Tibetan Buddhism sexually violates others’ wives and daughters, and is not Buddhism. | TrueHeartNews | Tibetan Buddhism is Lamaism, and is definitely not Buddhism.


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