
2013年4月11日 星期四

(Reprint)Vigilance Needed against Cunning and Deceitful Underdogs (Part I)- An echo to the China Times’ article “The Myths about the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Issue” (Part 3)

Copied from: http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/trueheart_en/49

(By the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei)In his article The Myths about the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Issue, the third myth Donghua pointed out was that “Dalai is a renowned religious leader in the world and a supreme spiritual mentor; the atheist Chinese Communist Party has been suppressing Tibetans’ spiritual pursuits and freedom because of its political agenda.” Donghua made it clear that even the Tibetan nobles acknowledged the fact that as a part of the Tibetan culture, religion is not only the core of Tibetans’ spiritual life but also a key political instrument. Throughout history, the Dalai Lamas have always assumed the dual role of religious leader and political leader; religion has always been treated as a political shell and tool. Not only does the current XIV Dalai Lama admit to this fact, he often takes great pride in it.

Zhang Gongpu, Chairman of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation comments that Dalai and his government-in-exile have always exploited the foregoing issues in a two-pronged strategy. They engender conflicts whenever possible and cover up their ill-intentions in the power struggles of international politics. When their plots are discovered and antagonized, they would conveniently switch to Dalai’s “religious role” to solicit sympathy, acting like underdogs who have been persecuted, whose religion has been repressed, culture trampled, and ethnic nationality humiliated. Unfortunately, most people are unaware of the dirty laundry these “underdogs” hide in their closets.
The rebuttal lists four reasons to support its “Fact #3,” which again portrays them as underdogs and tries to defend the Dalai Lama and polish his image. For instance, the first reason states, “The Dalai Lama has no army, no assets, no propaganda, and no land, yet people around the world regardless of race, religion, or nationality are all drawn to him because he is a practitioner of compassion and peace. What he advocates - less desire, contentment, straight forwardness, patient endurance, and compassionate - are the elements that will bring security and happiness to mankind in the twenty-first century.” Chairman Zhang says that these lofty yet spurious statements exemplify their typical rhetoric of self-promotion and are sickening to those who are aware of the truth. We shall pick apart their lies one by one and tear down their deceiving front thoroughly.
1. The Dalai Lama “has no army”?
As early as 1959, before the Dalai Lama went into exile, the Tibetan ruling elites colluded with political conspirators of the West and built up an armed guerrilla force called “Khampa guerrillas” in eastern and southern Tibetan to engage in armed violence. After the Dalai Lama fled into exile, sporadic guerrilla activities continued until early 1970s with air and ground support from the Americans before they ceased completely. This guerilla force’s undertaking went awry since its inception: they burned, murdered, plundered, and even raped. Civilians who refused to join them, or were suspected of assisting the Chinese army, were subjected to such cruelties as having their heads chopped off, eyes gouged out, or being flayed. They devastated the lives of innocent civilians acting like a group of roving bandits who brutalized fellow Tibetans. It was no surprise that their guerilla operations eventually fell flat.
Zhang Zaixian (Professor at University of Melbourne), Behind the problems of Tibet (2) Chinatide Association Website
After fleeing to India, Dalai’s group formally established the “Indian Special Frontier Force.” His government-in-exile provided recruits; the U.S. was responsible for supplying weapons, equipment, partial funding and assistance in training; and India provided the structuring, provisions as well as direct command. This Special Frontier Force (SFF) of the Dalai’s group is known to the world as India’s “Establishment 22.” Although its mandate was for “the liberation of Tibet,” in fact, this army was sacrificed by India during the Indo-Paskistani war in 1971, about forty Tibetan soldiers died in the battles. Sadly, those Tibetan who responded to Dalai’s call but ended up paying the ultimate price in an alien country for a war not of their own and enemy they did not know.
Revealing the Secret of the Dalai Lama’s Indo-Tibetan Special Frontier Force
Apart from its failed attempt to support Dalai with a parachuting guerrilla fighter force, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had also put together a patched-up ground force comprised of Tibetan refugees who were part of the armed guerrilla resistance fighters originally established in Tibet. The force called itself the Chushi Gangdrug (Four Rivers and Six Mountains). After the failed uprising in 1959, the Tibetan war veterans of Chushi Gangdrug fled to India, acquiring new recruits and then moving to Nepal. The army was taken over and funded by the U.S., who gave the Dalai’s brother, Gyalo Thondup, full control over allocating the funds. Unfair fund allocation led to the internal strife which plagued this army later on, to the extent that the leaders opened fire on each other after embezzlement was discovered. All the while grassroots soldiers were severely undercompensated, morale consequently fell apart and the fighting spirit evaporated.
In 1972, Richard Nixon visited China and shook hands with the Chinese leadership and the CIA discontinued its quiet support for the armed resistance which then turned into a roaming group of armed, food-begging refugees. In 1974, the Nepalese army marched into Mustang and wiped out this Tibetan troop. The soldiers who survived either surrendered or fled to India. Those guerrillas who died in battlefields, surrendered, or left stranded in foreign lands were another group of witnesses to the Dalai Lama’s betrayal of his compatriots. One cannot ignore these facts and claim that the Dalai Lama’s government in-exile never had its own army.
Zhang Zaixian (Professor at University of Melbourne), Behind the problems of Tibet (2) Chinatide Association Website
Tibet, the 'great game' and the CIA
Chairman Zhang says that despite his emphatic opposition to violence in his autobiography, Dalai has more than once self-contradictorily commended the “victories” of his guerrilla fighters. In actuality, Dalai did have an army at one point, albeit he never set a standard for his military nor possessed the capability and ethics to command it. An incapable general will lead his forces to demise, as the saying goes. Because of Dalai, these Tibetan fighters became vagrant refugees. Some ended up being killed in foreign lands or dying an ignoble death. To claim that Dalai never commanded any army was either a deliberate lie or a selective oblivion of history.

2. The Dalai Lama has no assets?
Once the authentication process of the fourteenth Dalai Lama was completed, Lhamo Dhondup was taken to the Potola Palace by the yellow palanquin that symbolized his noble status. His entire family moved from a village in Qinghai Province to Lhasa and became one of the greatest aristocratic families in Tibet called Dala. According to traditions, Tibet’s local authorities provided Dalai’s family with a huge manor and hundreds of serfs. Therefore, since his childhood, Dalai had enjoyed all kinds of pampering and privileges. As for his family, it became a “family of affluence” and the immediate beneficiary of power. Not only did his family members rise up to the class of aristocrats, they were also offered official positions in Dalai’s government. Although they are in exile at the moment, Dalai and his family members still are occupying high paying posts in the government-in-exile and remain the wealthiest and most powerful Tibetans.
After Dalai’s enthronement, Tianjin Lama (one of the assisting ministers to Dalai’s government) took Dalai, his seal, as well as all the treasures stored in cellars of the Potala Palace and Norbu Linka Palace to Dromo, a city 200 miles from Lhasa at the Sikkim border in southern Tibet, ready for fleeing to India. These treasures - gold, silver, and valuables - were what the Tibetan aristocrats had fleeced from local Tibetans for centuries. According to data disclosed by an unofficial source many years later, when they were heading to Dromo in 1950, more than a thousand pack animals - horses, yaks, mules, etc. - were used to move all the treasures, with each animal carrying an average of 120 pounds. Forty pack animals hauled gold and 600 were loaded with silver. The remaining animals carried gold and silver coins as well as other treasures.
If this data were true, it meant that they transported altogether 2.2 tons of gold, 32.7 tons of silver, as well as other treasures of incalculable value. In 1960, the second year after Dalai’s exodus to India, these treasures were transported by train from Sikkim to Calcutta and were stored in a bank vault. Taking into account these treasures as well as all the stocks and investments controlled by Dalai and his exile government all over the world, Dalai’s asset qualifies him to be one of the world’s richest people. Apparently, the rebuttal’s claim that Dalai has no assets is a flat-out lie!
Zhang Zaixian, Behind the problems of Tibet (4), Chinatide Association Website
Later on, the Dalai Lama sold the treasures he took from Tibet for eight million U.S. dollars. This sale was baffling though, as it is rather insignificant in comparison to the amount of gold and silver past generations of Dalai Lamas had accumulated. Why sell off the heirloom treasures when he could have simply cashed in a little of that gold and silver? And what happened to the rest of his currencies (French or other foreign currencies)? The eight million U.S. dollars from the sale of the treasures was invested under the name of "Chikyab Kenpo," the Tianjin Lama who headed south with all the wealth, and almost all evaporated. In the end, less than one million U.S. dollars was recovered, with which the H.H. the Dalai Lama Charitable Trust was established in 1964.
In the hands of the 14th Dalai Lama, all that was hoarded by the Dalai Lamas of many generations dwindled to less than one million US dollars. Yet even this meager amount that was salvaged ended up in the “Charitable” Trust Fund under the name of Dalai. In other words, the prodigious riches of Tibetan patrimony were completely depleted during Dalai’s “leisurely years of exile.” Surprisingly, no one ever took responsibility for losing the money, nor did anyone dare to question this issue. In the eyes of the Tibetan refugees who have suffered destitution, homelessness, illness, hunger and severe weather, the Dalai Lama is the sole and only person who owns, controls, and supplies all the resources.
Freedom in Exile, Chapter 9: A Hundred Thousand Refugees
From the official Chinese Website of the Dalai Lama
As for the foreign aid Dalai received, according to released U.S. intelligence documents, from 1964 to 1968, the CIA provided the Tibetan exile movement with $1,735,000 US Dollars a year for operations against China, including an annual personal subsidy of $180,000 for the Dalai Lama, $75,000 for the “Tibet House" in New York and Geneva, and $1,490,000 for the training and military equipment of Dalai’s armed separatist movement. The US had also continued to provide "direct contact" to some special units of the Tibetan government-in-exile. For example, during the 1950s and 60s, the CIA unsparingly aided Tibetan revolts and armed forces and is still providing an annual funding of $300,000 to the Security Department of the Tibetan government-in-exile. Despite receiving a lofty amount from the US every year, Dalai never doled out his money to his deprived and distressed compatriots. The rebuttal’s claim that “Dalai has no assets” is nothing but a blatant lie.
Where does the money for the Dalai’s living expenses come from?
USA and India Finance the Dalai Group
The Public Shows Up, the Government Pays the Bill
Since the 1970s, Lamaism - Tibetan fake Buddhism - has gradually risen up to become a high-profile religion in the world. Tibetan centers sprout up everywhere while the Dalai Lama creates an enormous sensation wherever he sets his foot in the world, bringing both fame and fortune. At present, the temples and assets owned by the various branches of Tibetan Lamaism all around the globe are uncountable, not to mention the amount of donations generated by their continuous fundraising efforts. The Dalai Lama himself has been busy hosting dharma assemblies, speeches and banquets. The ticket to one could easily cost hundreds of U.S. dollars. Chairman Zhang remarks that, given the facts mentioned above, one can’t give enough praise to Dalai’s ability to amass wealth and one can’t help admiring the amount of fortune he sits on. To say that "Dalai has no assets" seems much too disingenuous.
3. The Dalai Lama “does not promote himself”?
The Dalai Lama is definitely keen on self-promotion. During his exile years in India, he published two autobiographies in his leisure, one of which is called Freedom in Exile. Dalai is a prolific writer. He has authored a huge number of books to spread the Couple-Practice Tantra of Tibetan fake Buddhism. He also received countless exclusive interviews and allowed himself to be included in various media reports. All of his works have been translated in many languages. On top of that, the Dalai Lama and his Tibetan government-in-exile operate their own media and website. Tibetan Centers and Monasteries all over the world continuously work as a mouthpiece for Dalai and his Tibetan fake Buddhism. How can anyone claim that he “does not promote himself”?
As soon as Dalai settled down in India, he could not wait to engage himself in “religious diplomatic visits.” After 1970s, he began to make direct political contacts in many Western countries while at the same time widely promoting Lamaism to the world by sugarcoating this superstitious cult with the Buddha dharma. Lamaism was trapped in the remote backcountry for thousand years but with Dalai’s incredible, super “sales techniques,” Tibetan so-called “Buddhism” has soared to the status of a world religion.
Dalai is extremely media-savvy. He endears himself to politicians, movie stars, as well as prominent religious and cultural figures around the world and makes the headlines of paper and media wherever he goes. After he was granted the Nobel Peace Prize, thanked to hidden political maneuvers, Dalai turned into the media’s sweetheart. With any scratch of the head, protrusion of the tongue, empty boisterous laugher, or other antics, all the cameras focus on him and second guessing his meaning is the topic of discussion in the press. In spite of his supporters’ claim that he never promotes himself, Chairman Zhang says that Dalai is undeniably shrewd in self-promotion and publicity-building. And given this shrewdness, one cannot help but wonder if his adherents’ claim of “the Dalai Lama does not promote himself” is not another self-promotion trick?
4. The Dalai Lama is “landless”!
Dalai indeed possesses no land or territory. He was once the head of a theocracy ruling from the Potala Palace in Lhasa. Since going into exile in 1959, he has been a rootless vagabond taking shelter in India. Given that he has only a roof over his head but no territory to rule over, “landless” is the precise and widely recognized description for him and his group despite their self-denial. Nonetheless, Dalai audaciously laid down his claim of a “Greater Tibet” on the gaming table of international politics and tries to bid with his imaginary hand. He knows perfectly well that there is no hope of restoring his regime but still attempts to fish in troubled water, hoping to pull off a few good deals for himself. Chairman Zhang suggests that the rebuttal’s author should inform Dalai of the reality of his “landlessness” and advise him to come to terms with it rather than trying to brew up new schemes. In doing so, the rebuttal’s author would be “pointing to the emperor’s new clothes” saying, “The Dalai Lama is landless!
5. People of the world, regardless of race, religion and country, are all charmed by the Dalai Lama?
The truth is, true Buddhist disciples consider him a “flea parasite on a lion” for his degeneracy, and adherents of orthodox Tibetan Buddhism do not endorse his counterfeit “Tibetan Buddhism” either. The Kalachakra Tantra which he presides over throughout the world portrays Islam and Western monotheistic religions as imagined enemies in its quest to, essentially, dominate the world. Other monotheistic as well as Taoist religions, which advocate strict adherence to precepts, also denounce the Dalai Lama.
The Dalai Lama ingratiated himself to the Indians who shelter him, by calling himself a “Son of India” - which holds a grain of truth since Lamaism was derived from a branch of Hinduism. The Hindu country of India and its people have been gradually losing patience in him and voices calling to expel the Dalai Lama and his government in-exile have surfaced. Except with a few conspiring, ambitious countries and people who seek pleasure in novelties and embrace superficial media reports, the Dalai Lama no longer enjoys as much popularity in the world anymore.

The Dalai Lama considers himself a son of India, Xing Huo Internet Forum
Dharamsala – Tibetan Government-in-exile, DW News
After the 90’s, Tibet saw significant progress in political and economic development as well as social stability. Except for a few upper class aristocrats of old Tibet who lost their privileges and lamas who still dream about the restoration of the Dalai Lama, most Tibetans do not want to turn back the clock and return to the days when the Dalai Lama was on the throne. In other words, Dalai is gradually losing his “market value” in the eyes of Tibetans. What’s worse? Corruption and power struggles are rampant among the upper leadership of the government-in-exile. The so-called “younger generation” Tibetan exiles are losing respect for the Dalai Lama. Now that the Dalai Lama is getting old, they wonder if he truly is a reincarnated bodhisattva or not?
Chairman Zhang remarks that Dalai has always been merely a dictator. In addition, since he nominally retired from the government-in-exile he has lost much of his influence. While the rebuttal claims that all people are fond of Dalai, in reality, they are either trying to reassure themselves with self-hypnosis or to beguile people with the residual “halo” of the Nobel Peace Prize.
To visit the spot where the Dalai Lama has operated over 52 years, revealing the secret of his time in exile,Tencent Internet News
Xu Mingxu, Intrigues and Devoutness : The Origin and Development of the Tibet Riots, Part IV - The New Cold War; Chapter XIII - Where is the Dalai Lama Heading?
6. Does the Dalai Lama practice compassion and peace in his own life?
Indeed, the Dalai Lama and Tibetan fake Buddhism have been deceiving themselves and others with the claim that every Dalai Lama in history is the earthly incarnation of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. However, this claim is but a groundless self-proclamation. Contrary to it, since childhood and more so today, the Dalai Lama has a rather unkind disposition.
For instance, the Dalai Lama’s favorite custodian when he was small was called Norbu Thondup. As Dalai honestly recalled, when they were older, he was in some of the fiercest fighting games they played. In his imagination, he fought Norbu madly. He remembered sometimes he harbored malicious intent toward him, to the point that he tried to hurt Norbu with his lead sword. In his autobiography, Dalai admitted fully to his thoughts and actions.
In late 1960s, Dalai had a black and white spotted female cat named "Zheren" at home. It seems this cat did not escape cruelty either. Dalai recalled that one time, he found out she had killed a rat in the house and yelled at her. She scurried up the curtain, fell down and was seriously injured. Although he gave her the best care he could, she died after a few days.
“Cats have nine lives,” as the saying goes. They generally have a great sense of balance and it is highly unusual that one would fall down from a curtain by accident, injure itself terribly and die. It makes one wonder if additional “punishment” was imposed. Moreover, the Dalai Lama liked to shoot birds with his air gun. He remarked that his marksmanship was quite good but, of course, he did not kill the birds; he just wanted them to feel pain so that they would learn a lesson. While he did not mention whether he had ever killed any birds by accident, it is obvious that more than just a few learned his “lesson.”
Freedom in Exile, the autobiography of the Dalai Lama, Chapter 4 - Taking Refuge in Southern Tibet
From the official Chinese website of the Dalai Lama:
Freedom in Exile, the autobiography of the Dalai Lama, Chapter 10 - A Wolf in a Monk’s Robes
From the official Chinese Website of the Dalai Lama:
After he reached adulthood and assumed reign, Dalai had more opportunities to act upon his darker side. Apart from training guerrillas and setting up the Special Frontier Force (SSF) in India in cooperation with the CIA and intervened in the Indo-Pakistani War in 1971 as mentioned earlier, he also backstabbed his benefactor. In 1959, shortly after Dalai’s exile, the Bhutanese government took in some of the "Tibetan refugees." Yet, instead of returning Bhutan’s favor, Dalai’s group took the opportunity to foster its Tibet Independence forces among these Tibetan exiles in Bhutan and took part in all sorts of conspiratorial activities. They even attempted to take possession of Bhutan and made it a springboard to reclaim Tibet and restore Dalai as its local despot.
On 1 June 1974, the eve of the coronation of the 17 year old Bhutanese king Jigme Singye Wangchuk, the government thwarted a conspiracy planned for nearly two years to assassinate the new king and arrested 30 suspects. Further investigation revealed that the kingpin behind the plot was Gyalo Thondhup, Dalai’s brother. While the Dalai Lama fervently and categorically denied any involvement, it is widely known that Gyalo Thondhup has always been his right hand man and Dalai’s group could not cast off the doubt about their complicity.
Conspiracy Against Jigme Singye Wangchuk, p.122
Dalai has treated not only outsiders callously but also his own people. In the 1990s, Dalai abruptly came to the conclusion that the protective deity Dorje Shugden that Lamaism has wholeheartedly believed in for centuries was a "pro-Chinese demon" and posed danger to "the cause of Tibet as well as the longevity of himself." The doom of Dorje Shugden's believers had dawned.
On 6 June 1996, at the request of Dalai, the government-in-exile began to comprehensively and unrelentingly purge dissidents. It imposed a ban on the worship of Dorje Shugden and threatened to “hold people who continue to worship as public enemy of Tibetan society." After this, the Dalai Lama addressed the “Tibetan Youth Congress” and the “Tibetan Women's Association” to encourage them to take up the cause of the ban and enforce it actively. They dispatched a large number of members to search for and destroy the statues of Dorje Shugden, smashing windows, burning houses, harassing and beating up its believers, and brought about many incidents of bloodstained violence along the way. Many Tibetans who followed Dalai into exile were forced to desert their homes and temples.
Events of 1996
The Issue of Religious Intolerance
Furthermore, Dalai has also exported such violence and involved himself with the Aum Shinrikyo and its maniac founder, Shoko Asahara, who sought to “Shambhalalize Japan.” In 1989, Shoko Asahara donated $100,000 US Dollars to Dalai’s organization. In return, Dalai issued a so-called certification, with which Shoko obtained legal recognition from Japanese government to attain the status of religious organization for Aum Shinrikyo. The Dalai Lama also highly praised Shoko Asahara to the Japanese government in writing and pleaded for allowing Shoko exemption from taxation, a privilege the Japanese government eventually granted. Dalai continued to maintain a cordial mentor-disciple style relationship until the sarin gas attack in Tokyo subway shocked the world on 20 March 1995, in which 12 people died and more than 6,000 injured. It was not until Dalai’s formal visit to Japan that he finally distanced himself from Shoko Asahara of Aum Shinrikyo.
Articles published in German magazines and websites about
the Dalai Lama’s relationship with Shoko Asahara and the Nazi members.
In conclusion, Chairman Zhang points out that Dalai is evidently a two-face hypocrite whose acts and image are in glaring disaccord. He slyly hides his true colors and presents a saintly image in front of the media. With his genial, humble, and smiling face, he convinces the public that he is outwardly kind and inwardly peaceful. However, as Dalai once said, “There is a Tibetan saying that the more sophisticated a person is, the more skillful the person may be in hiding his or her feeling of hatred. So the angrier the person is, or the more hateful a person is, the gentler the person will appear.” Therefore, instead of lying saying, “the Dalai Lama himself is a practitioner of compassion and peace,” why don’t we simply spell out the truth that “the Dalai Lama is but a creator of wars and sufferings.
The concluding words in the rebuttal’s “reason one” state: “What he (the Dalai Lama) advocates - less desire, contentment, straight forwardness, patient endurance, and compassionate - are the elements that will bring security and happiness to mankind in the twenty-first century.” Chairman Zhang remarks that, considering all his appalling deeds, no amount of good words and staging could elicit our respect and trust for the Dalai Lama.(Reported by the Interviewing Team)20130411
Healing Anger, The Dalai Lama’s Q & A.
Editor’s Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on
February 17, 2013.

Tibetan Buddhism sexually violates others’ wives and daughters, and is not Buddhism. | TrueHeartNews | Tibetan Buddhism is Lamaism, and is definitely not Buddhism.


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