
2012年11月29日 星期四

(轉載) 基函1008覆教育部反對破密函(中英文)

轉載自: 正覺教育基金會真心新聞網   http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/headline/15

財團法人正覺教育基金會    函


發文日期 :中華民國101年4月9日
速 別:最速件
附 件:

本會秉持成立時為積極推廣社會教育、維護善良公序良俗以謀求大眾福祉之初衷,所為一切皆未違背法令且符合本會捐助章程,但遭 鈞部持續來文阻撓、否定與打壓本會推行社會教育、社會公益之善行,敬請 鈞部回示: 鈞部是否支持邪教繼續妨礙風化違背善良風俗?是否維護邪教宗教推廣自由?是否漠視或反對廣大民眾有知曉真相的權利?

復 鈞部臺社(四)字第0990221507號、0990226273號、0990924637號、1000012503號、1000017280號、1000070513號、1000075742號、1000090294號、1000148256號、1000210511號、1000212385號、1010025235B號、1010015216A號函。
本會100年1月17日(100)正覺教基字第100002號函已遵旨改善本會外牆廣告諒達。除本會董事長等人已於100年5月5日面呈 鈞部社教司諸位長官藏傳佛教邪教本質之相關資料(包括《達賴真面目》、《狂密與真密》、《廣論之平議》等書籍,以及「喇嘛的無上瑜伽就是女信徒性交」DM、解密快報、達賴基金會出版《西藏佛教的修行道》)外,另於100年5月14日(100)正覺教基字第100005號函寄臺北巿政府民政局「喇嘛性侵新聞 或 相關新聞報導」資料副知 鈞部,並經常電話向承辦詹專員表明本會立意良善、所做為社會教育;今再申詳本會對佛學及哲學的研究成果極深廣無可推翻,本著取之於社會、全部用之於社會的精神,謹向社會大眾貢獻出一小部分研究藏傳佛教的本質是邪教的成果,努力進行社會教育。本會由許多社會賢達人士組成,包括學者、法律專家、大學教授、教師、公務員,對佛學及哲學的研究成果及深入廣大之程度,當代佛學界、佛教界及哲學界已經無人可以質疑或推翻;本會並一向遵循法律規範,一切文宣皆已先經多位法律顧問審核後確認無違背任何法令、並符合本會設立之社會教育宗旨後發行,言正行端,無可非議者。今觀 鈞部民國101年3月6日臺社(四)字第1010025235B號公文附件,由 鈞部主動代為隱名應係漢藏友好協會或西藏人福利協會之檢舉文中,對本會及友會、友人等之相關文件或著作,以抄前略後之斷章取義方式,誣告本會等人士行為不端邪淫之事,已涉及加重毀謗,應請 鈞部提供原文或未隱名之影印本予本會,以便本會提出告訴,於法庭上釐清事實,並公佈給社會大眾知悉,敬請 鈞部慎勿誤認事實而廁身助成共犯之倫。
鈞部臺社(四)字第1010025235B號函示,要求說明本會資金來源,實所費解。本會所有資金來源,皆由本會董事、學員們及其他認同本會善行的民眾們發心捐款,每一筆收入皆開立收據徵信,並自成立後每年皆受合格會計師事務所稽核簽證,壹以合法遵照「教育事務財團法人財務處理要點」辦理,並呈報 鈞部審核。從未曾接受本國政府或任何一個國家的官方資助;所有執事不分上下,全都是義工,不曾支領過薪資、車馬費或任何款項;由本會諸升斗小民學員的傾力資助,教育社會大眾遠離違法悖善之邪教及其輪流性交、亂倫、性侵害。 本會每年詳細的財務報表及會計師查核簽證報告書皆呈報 鈞部,並皆承收 鈞部之同意備查函。何以 鈞部函示本會謂資金真實來源有所疑慮?是否 鈞部公務繁冗未及遍視報部資料,而有上開疑慮?又,大函附件不清不全,敬請提供完整詳細資料,究係 鈞部捏造緣由而來函?或係真有檢舉者? 鈞部應列舉檢舉者之身分及所檢舉之事實告知本會,以便本會據實改正;若是謊言誣告亂舉者,本會即應再對該誣告之團體或個人提出毀謗告訴,究明其責、釐清真相。並呈上本會已經進行中,對捏造事實作不實指控之惡質藏傳佛教團體提出告訴之刑事自訴狀、開庭通知、本會官網上公開回應「西藏人駁斥蕭平實對西藏佛教污衊攻擊」謗文1~5,以供 卓參。
鈞部100年6月2日臺社(四)字第1000090294號、5月12日臺社(四)字第1000075742號、5月9日臺社(四)字第1000070513號、101年3月7日臺社(四)字第1010015216A號函,指責本會外牆高樓電子LED看板云云,本會除執行長等人已於5月5日當面向社教司諸長官口頭報告外,另本會承辦人再向承辦詹專員電話中報告,並於100年6月16日(100)正覺教基字第100010號函復臺北巿政府民政局、並副知 鈞部:「圓山捷運站外高樓『LED看板』、『電子看板』,非本會所有、所設。」不審 鈞部何以再來函質問?何以張冠李戴而馳曠公務、浪費公私資源作此無謂之公文往返?

1. 本會所為一切皆是社會公益與社會教育,為提升社會大眾對佛學、哲學的品質,無私毫不符宗旨,更無私毫違背法令處。本會以對內明哲學與藏傳佛教根本教義所作之學術研究豐碩成就,救護民眾免於被藏傳假佛教所欺騙,揭發藏傳佛教邪淫教義之本質,為教導民眾認清藏傳佛教是仿冒佛教邪教的事實,以避免民眾在不知情下被誘姦或被強迫與喇嘛合修雙身法,更避免臺灣男性被喇嘛暗中戴上綠帽子、女性被喇嘛性侵而暗夜哭泣,正是為警政單位維護民眾家庭和樂、為 鈞部及相關單位關心的培養兒童青少年有健全人格發展的成長環境,實乃用心良苦。為令大眾廣知藏傳佛教屬於仿冒宗教喇嘛不是佛教僧人的真相,讓民眾生起警覺心,應該對喇嘛傳播的淫穢教義審慎檢視,本會曾提供數十處文獻紀錄,提供 鈞部查核,茲舉壹例:為講經等所傳後密灌頂,謂由師長與自十二至二十歲九明等至〔謂須由師長與自十二歲至二十歲各種不同年齡之九位明妃,一一與之交合而同入性高潮中並觀樂空不二,然後一一射精於明妃下體中而收集存放在嘎巴拉中〕,俱種〔具備與九位明妃交合而收集混合成為紅白菩提——喇嘛與九位明妃混合後之淫液——俱有男女雙方之種子〕金剛〔此淫液名為金剛菩提心〕注弟子口,依彼灌頂。如是第三灌頂前者,與一明〔在前面第三灌頂中與一位明妃〕合受妙歡喜;後者,隨與九明等至〔後者則是隨即與九位明妃同入性高潮中〕,即由彼彼所生妙喜〔由那樣而產生妙喜,取得甘露為弟子灌頂〕(宗喀巴.《密宗道次第廣論》),以上藏傳佛教教義內容,明顯已違背善良社會風俗與本國民、刑法等法律,亦不合乎受憲法保障宗教信仰自由之規範。又藏傳佛教廣論」中所謂的顯教修證,同於常見外道的意識心,而非佛教經典中說的第八識如來藏,本質即是外道仿冒佛教,推廣之後嚴重誤導佛教界的大法師與廣大信眾,實以常見外道之教義與身分而仿冒佛教,亦是在實質上妨害佛教;將來若再仿冒基督教、道教…等,都同樣是仿冒宗教者,全都不符合公平正義,也是嚴重欺騙社會之惡行,亦應加以披露以免社會人士在信仰上面受害,這也是本會應作而今已作的社會教育善行;不如是行,則是違背本會成立之宗旨。綜觀藏傳佛教的教義與行門自始至終都是假冒別的宗教,其教義與修行方法自始至終都與被仿冒的佛教教義無關,初始即是違法的仿冒行為;其教義又公然鼓勵喇嘛、信眾亂倫與姦淫幼女,殘害兒童、少年身心,違反兒童及少年福利法,本會加以披露之一切作為正是負起社會教育責任,分擔 鈞部應負的社教責任,以此而免除民眾因為對密宗仿冒佛教的「雙修」、「金剛」、「水灌頂」、「瓶灌頂」的意涵都還不知道,將來就無法避免家人去作「男女雙修」,然後「受持」來自上師下體的「金剛性器」的「洩精水」,而被當作是「瓶子」被強制「洗淨灌頂」。教育社會移風易俗向上提升是 鈞部的職責,故本會從事的社會教育行為,是幫助 鈞部免除未作移風易俗的社教行為而在將來被輿論訶責的可能, 鈞部理應支持才是,如何反而倒行逆施要求本會停止極善之社會教育行為?
2. 本會本著教育基金會應教育及培養一般民眾民主素養、正確法治觀念的立場;令大眾周知藏傳佛教打著佛教招牌,行仿冒之實,以免被繼續被騙;可以了知喇嘛披著佛教僧人的外衣,假修行之名、行邪淫之實,欺騙社會而說男女性交雙身法可以使人即身成佛,這與佛法的修行完全無關,卻騙人說是最高級的佛法的事實,令無辜的民眾免於受騙上當,讓臺灣這塊寶島免受邪淫、亂倫、性侵幼童、破壞家庭的喇嘛教的玷汚,這正是替 鈞部推行愛國教育、鄉土關懷、增加民眾資訊的知能,以及增長民眾思考及判斷力的社會教育正義之行。 鈞部為本國最高教育主管,不應不知我國歷史上,元明清代此種淫人妻女的邪教為害至深,例如《元史》中處處記載,此邪教亡國殘民之事實,例如:【宣政院使西僧哈麻】為了討元順帝歡喜,引進西番僧以秘密法雙身修法媚帝,為此哈麻之妹婿集賢學士禿魯貼水兒得寵於帝,朝廷成了君臣淫態百出之所,君臣男女整天沉溺於斯,元順帝自己猶嫌不夠,還要與眾人同樂,元順帝時常與母舅老的沙及兄弟巴郎太子等十人男女裸居一室,君臣共蓋一被。為此而【廣取女婦,唯淫樂是戲。】歷來史學家皆同意:認同喇嘛教廣行邪淫的教義,乃為元朝亡國主因之一;而清朝開國君王努爾哈赤則說:「爾蒙古諸貝子,自棄蒙古之語、名號,俱學喇嘛,卒致國運衰微。」皇太極說:「喇嘛等口作訛言,假以供佛、持戒為名,潛肆淫邪,貪圖財物悖逆造罪。」這些歷史事實 鈞部應非無知,即應主動通令所屬相關機構進行社會教育以免臺灣社會在藏傳假佛教的推廣下繼續向下沈淪;然 鈞部不但不曾推動此類保護民眾、維護公序良俗的社會教育,竟然反過來多次阻撓本會協助 鈞部進行社會教育的義行,實屬不當。
3. 本會義工所發放文宣,皆經多位法律顧問審核後發行,內容並無違背法令,均屬憲法言論自由保障範圍,未能通解 鈞部何故不懂事實真相而誤信誣告者言,竟未提示法規條文而逕指本會違反法律規範?敬請 明示本會違犯何法何規?今者再呈「正覺教團對於邪淫藏密不實抹黑(紅)之公開辨正」敬供 卓參,以免 鈞部受到少數外籍人士假藉假民意之片面意見所蒙蔽。
4. 鈞部屢要求本會:「避免涉及攻擊他人或團體之名譽,以免造成他人權益侵害」,然 鈞部所垂示者,許與西方哲學家培根所言有所出入。所謂正確的知識即是力量,本會僅舉出確切證據揭發藏傳佛教喇嘛淫人妻女騙人說是佛法的修行的事實,未曾加以渲染,欲讓民眾充分瞭解藏傳佛教邪教之後,懂得保護自己與家人。令大眾得知:藏傳佛教在「無上瑜伽」與「即身成佛」的美麗謊言後面,潛藏著男女合修「雙身法」的墮落斷壁懸崖(失去貞節、家庭破碎、家中兒童少年失怙)之秘密,純屬披露真相教育社會民眾,全都是說實話而無絲毫增添,無涉所謂「攻擊」,更無「侵害他人權益」;反而是保護他人權益,維護了所有臺灣家庭的名譽。設若仗義執言披露真相者等於「攻擊」、等於「侵害他人權益」, 鈞部公文中所說方為有理,否則即是無理之言;無理之言不應出之於名為教育部的 鈞部公文中,否則難免未來史家與今時社會輿論之公評。依 鈞部之邏輯,行政院衛生署及 鈞部實已侵害所有菸商之權益,亦涉及攻擊所有菸商,應與糾正;例如行政院衛生署與世界各國為維護舉國民眾健康,皆在菸盒包裝上標有各種警示圖文(如附件5)。如以 鈞部函示精神之邏輯,是否行政院與世界各國都「攻擊」了眾多的菸商與臺灣菸酒股份有限公司(下稱臺灣菸酒公司)的名譽?「妨害」和「侵害」了眾多的菸商與臺灣菸酒公司的權利與權益?於 鈞部核可的眾多出版社所出版的中小學健康與體育課本中,亦苦口婆心地教育兒童青少年抽菸對身心的危害,如:「菸:就是要賣給你一包謊言」,並教學生「勇於拒絶誘惑」、「勇敢表達拒吸二手菸」,是否 鈞部與 鈞部核可的眾出版社,皆聯合地「攻擊」了眾多菸商與臺灣菸酒公司的名譽?「妨害」和「侵害」了眾多的菸商與臺灣菸酒公司的權利與權益?而 鈞部所轄的全國教師,也都聽從 鈞部的旨意,一起「攻擊」、「妨害」和「侵害」了所有的菸商與臺灣菸酒公司的名譽、權利與權益,以及從菸商與臺灣菸酒公司受益者的所有售菸商店名譽與權益?抑或 鈞部反對民眾有知道真相的權利?有關藏傳假佛教仿冒宗教、歛財、騙色、妨害家庭、危害受害者家中的少年及兒童失去家庭溫暖之事,本會此項披露真相保護臺灣社會之義行,請 鈞部明白指出,違背何法何規?

本會不計一己之形象與得失,以維護社會大眾的福祉與權利為己任,為維護社會的公平正義,不懼躲在暗處的西藏密宗誣告者。彼輩從來不敢也無能力正面對本會提出其邪淫教義上和性侵行為上的質疑作任何回應,遑論從藏傳佛教的教義及學術、哲學層面前來辯論或造文辨析?此輩濫告者亦不敢循正常的法律途徑,而貫用社會大眾所公認不恥之抹紅與抺黑的手法,只能極盡厚誣本會與相關人士之能事,同時捏造假民意不斷對中央、地方各行政部門施壓、浪費國家行政、司法資源與人力,再於網路上散播詆毀本會言論,藉以損害本會的名譽、戕害本會全體學員與義工的權益,正是惡人先告狀,誠期 鈞部勿再無智誤信讒言,本會將依據 鈞部提供之資料,立即對此不實團體採取法律行動,以正視聽。
   又據 鈞部臺社(四)字第0990221507號函,乃是直接將誣告者對本會的無根據且與事實不合之控訴,轉為 鈞部公文主張之內容,形同 鈞部認同該不實檢舉函捏造之內容,今請示 鈞部是否意欲為邪教張眼?又如所函示:「宗教不宜指稱其他宗教之教義、科儀……但勿全稱指涉,以免有詆毀之嫌;宣揚宗教,不宜指涉他教……」者,完全不符事實與公平正義,本會所提示社會大眾者,乃是彼邪教教義嚴重違背本國法律與善良風俗者; 鈞部於此視而不見、都無所察,反而指責本會,實屬顛倒之言。另 鈞部曾於2月10日召開「研商財團法人正覺教育基金會透過大眾傳播工具,散播不利藏傳佛教等行為,本部後續處理事宜」會議,會議名稱已將本會正大光明之社會教育善舉,誣構為「散播不利藏傳佛教等行為」,而竟完全未通知本會到場說明,會前會後亦從未主動通知本會召開此會議及會議內容,卻片面告知誣陷本會之「在臺西藏人福利協會」,敢請 鈞部明示: 鈞部是否支持該協會支持之邪教繼續傳播? 鈞部如是行為是否符合行政程序?是否符合教育部存在之宗旨?

本會本於社會教育初衷,所為一切皆是社會教育,並依循憲法增修條文第10條第6項「為維護婦女之人格尊嚴,保障婦女之人身安全,消除性別歧視,促進兩性地位實質平等。」致力於避免不知藏傳佛教邪教的事實的廣大婦女同胞成為喇嘛的性奴隸,揭露藏傳佛教的神話其實是千年大騙局,令其密而不宣矮化女性、誘姦女信徒的教義無所遁形。本會正是社會正義、普世道德的維護者與實踐者,更具備了正確價值的維護、錯誤喇嘛教認知的改革、良善社會風氣的倡導、全體義工社教服務之提供、為政府相關單位開拓與創新 鈞部早已應為的社會教育的角色功能,是應受 鈞部大力表揚而非應受 鈞部大力打壓的單位。
   又,本會除推行社會教育外,亦致力於各類社會公益並支持 鈞部政策,例如:98年莫拉克風災時與友會立時傾囊響應 鈞部賑災,當年八月直接捐給 鈞部新台幣702萬5千元作為校園重建資源,由 鈞部總務司匯總公告為捐款最高團體(第二名團體則為三百萬元),十二月遂榮獲 鈞部頒發銀質獎團體榮譽;100年7月再捐50萬元響應 鈞部「全民攜手—不讓任何一個孩子失學」政策;其他如每年至少捐款30萬元辦理整個大溪鎮國中小清寒獎助學金……等社會公益善舉不可勝數。何期 鈞部對於多行善事之本會未曾稍賜青眼,至於仿冒其他宗教、多行邪淫、常常誘姦女信徒、導致學密家庭破碎、兒童失怙的邪教, 鈞部竟大力加以支持,反而來文不許本會披露真相教育社會大眾,竟樂於聽信妨害風化者捏造之片面假民意誣告言詞而凌壓本會?豈是身負教化任務的教育部所應為者?

    又本會一向針對邪教教義所提出之眾多質疑,無涉「入出國及移民法」第62條第1項之規定,捏造假事實檢舉本會者才是違背「入出國及移民法」第62條第1項之規定,才是 鈞部所應指斥者,鈞部怎能反過來打壓本會的義行?又本會一切所陳皆為事實,非如向 鈞部檢舉者之捏造假事實,何來「詆毀」之嫌?若准 鈞部所示邏輯或原則,則 鈞部若根據事實披露真相時,是否即是「詆毀」說謊之造惡人士?又是否 鈞部於所核可之國中以下健康與體育課本中,亦有「詆毀」眾多菸商與臺灣菸酒公司之嫌?是否 鈞部有「透過教育傳播工具,散播不利菸商菸廠等行為」?是否 鈞部亦指陳行政院亦有「透過大眾傳播工具,散播不利菸商菸廠等行為」之嫌?如 鈞部核可之康軒文教國中課本中,教導學生「勸阻你的家人或朋友不要吸菸,或是請吸菸者離開現場」(康軒文教.《國中健康與體育2上》),是否 鈞部有「迭次透過教育傳播工具,散播詆毀、歧視吸菸者的行為,羞辱吸菸族群的言行」之嫌?是否 鈞部指陳立法院諸公通過菸害防制法即有「指責立法委員透過國家公器,歧視與羞辱吸菸族群的言行」之嫌?是以本會無法接受 鈞部未查明事實真相所為之糾正,並無過失可供糾正故,是 鈞部應該加以表揚之義行故, 鈞部不應倒行逆施。

憲法明文保障的宗教自由,並不包括對違背良善風俗、公共利益的西藏密宗一類邪教之自由,不保障仿冒任何宗教之仿冒自由,不保障破壞社會秩序、妨礙家庭與信徒亂倫雜交的藏傳邪教之推廣自由。 鈞部主管者並非無知之人,對於憲法所定保障宗教自由的精神與應遵守的規範不應無知。 鈞部一再指責本會發送不雅、不堪入目或妨礙風化之傳單內容,但此等文宣品的內容都源自於藏傳佛教邪教,他們並未自認為不雅,反而認為是極端高尚的成佛之事,鈞部為何需要為他們遮羞而說為不雅,竟然以此來壓制本會繼續教育民眾?又本會此類文宣品並未違背相關法令,迄今也未有檢警單位收獲本會致送文宣品後,以本會違反刑法或社會秩序維護法等相關法律而進行取締法辦者;實則,這正是本會用心良苦之處!如各國菸盒上標有各種警示圖文一般,任何人看了此圖都覺得不舒服,藉此提醒民眾注重健康不吸菸(如附件5)。本會亦秉不忍人之心,揭發藏傳假佛教性交雙修的妨害風化、妨害家庭實質,廣獲社會好評,卻獲 鈞部函示:「勿有引起巿民觀感不佳及影響學童之情形」,准此原則,是否行政院及世界各國於菸盒上及各級公家團體學校張貼菸害防制海報或圖文,亦引起舉國人民觀感不佳及影響學童?
   另如本會外牆懸掛「避免宗教性侵害,請遠離藏傳佛教喇嘛」布條,委請聖約翰大學馬裕豐教授進行學術研究調查分析結果,呈報 鈞部(詳附件7-「正覺教育基金會、佛教正覺同修會於所在地大樓外牆所做的社會教育廣告之意見和看法」問卷調查分析)。由此分析報告可知,該布條社會教育的功效良好,大部分民眾(包括圓山捷運站附近的國中、高中學生)同意其正向的提醒效果,此由學術界科學方法調查之研究報告,已說明事實並非如 鈞部函中所示者。其他如接獲眾多民眾看到傳單或登報的讚許信件與電話,不勝枚舉,皆奔走相告藏傳佛教邪淫本質,已令臺灣民眾開始懂得保護自己與家庭,避免誤入邪教而導致家庭破碎、社會不安。
    本會並已取得社會大眾之信任,例如監察院高委員鳳仙(推動防暴三法立法成功之主導者),主動邀請本會參加101年1月19日宗教性侵議題之諮詢會議(詳見本會官網http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/headline/13)。及100年11月14日自由時報B1版「聖輪疑搞雙修 再爆比丘尼涉媒合」主動引用本會對藏傳佛教的指陳:「國內對藏傳佛教相當有意見的『正覺教育基金會』執行長張公僕表示,藏傳佛教口說『佛法修行』,但卻『淫人妻女』,具有宗教性侵之實,嚴重破壞佛法『不邪淫』基本戒律。」另有台視熱線追踪節目記者主動請求來訪,請本會藏傳佛教專家講解有關藏密人骨念珠的真相,並已於100年11月7日播出。可見大部分善良的民眾認同本會揭發:藏傳佛教的修行,就是喇嘛與女信徒性交!修習《廣論》,即是暗中為將來學密的性雜交作準備。凡有識之士,皆讚許本會不畏艱難、揭露真相的義行;僅極少數西藏密宗精舍負責人員或相關協會及「廣論」團體,因為民眾瞭解真相後,遠離藏傳佛教喇嘛及「廣論」的學習,使其供養金減少,不敢公開訴請司法調查,只能發動信眾冒稱為民眾向 鈞部、監察院及其他行政機關誣告。望 鈞部勿為此輩不敢見光者所利用,打壓本會為維護廣大國人、提升社會風氣的社會教育善行!

一者,一切仿冒宗教之行為都不足取,不論是仿冒佛教、仿冒基督教、仿冒道教、仿冒回教;二者,藏傳佛教公然仿冒佛教,已經影響佛教之法師及信徒向下沈淪,影響所及,臺灣社會原有的公序良俗已被嚴重破壞;三者,藏傳佛教藉著雜交邪淫的教義,誘姦及性侵臺灣女性而爆出來的案件,幾已年年有之,已是不爭之事實,被恐嚇而隱匿以致未爆發出來者當知其數難計。如是三件事實,身為肩負社會教育重任的 鈞部,為何至今仍然睜眼不見?為何仍繼續給予邪教支持?其中有何隱情而不得不然?實令人費解。本會依循設立之捐助章程、恪遵法律,本著回饋社會的熱誠與丹衷,致力推行社會教育與社會公益,所為皆符合本會成立宗旨之各類社會教育行為,致力為保護婦女、維護社會善良風俗、尊重基本人權、維護臺灣家庭兒童少年人格健全的成長,對不同族群、性別、宗教、文化之深入瞭解與關懷,本著對這塊土地的眷眷之情,不忘溝壑,建請 鈞部早日成立專案小組,推動教育民眾認清邪教的義行,勛效行政院衛生署舉辦菸害防制相關獎勵與競賽(如http://health99.doh.gov.tw/educZone/edu_detail.aspx? Catid=30453&Type=003&kind=Sub),嘉獎教育民眾免於邪教毒害的有功團體,敦請立法院立法禁止藏密邪教傳播毒害兒童與少年身心……等,共同建立無邪教毒害民眾心靈的臺灣,提升臺灣民眾的道德水平,避免再被仿冒佛教的藏傳假佛教誘惑而向下沈淪,共同為下一代開創美好的成長環境。並懇請 鈞部將如何分辨邪教的正理規定列入高中以下課程教材中,使真相與正義得以彰顯,則臺灣社會是幸。以是至禱!

鈞部 詹專員曾口頭質疑說:「如果你們做的事不屬於宗教,為什麼行文台北巿民政局?」謹隨文略加說明如下:緣於藏傳假佛教人士向台北市政府民政局誣告本會行為非法,民政局本於職權多次向本會反映,是故本會必須同時行文予民政局知悉;又,藏傳假佛教邪教教義仿冒他教的行為,並非性侵個案的問題,而是民俗範圍,是否應該行文各相關單位加以糾正、取締,責任屬於各地民政局,當然應副知市政府民政局, 鈞部承辦官員無需對此大驚小怪。

另外,本會98年7月27日(98)正覺教基字009號函呈報 鈞部上屆董事屆滿、本屆董事選舉結果,至今尚未承收 鈞部核可函,而本屆董事再過數月亦即將屆滿;敬請 鈞部盡速核備以便辦理法人變更登記。 鈞部若繼續遲不核可者,將來因此滋生之法律責任,悉應由 鈞部負擔。

副本:馬總統英九、蕭副總統萬長、總統府、總統府曾秘書長永權、金溥聰先生、行政院、行政院陳院長冲、行政院江副院長宜樺、行政院衛生署、行政衛生署邱署長文達、林副署長奏延、蕭副署長美玲、賴副署長進祥、行政院研考會、行政院研考會朱主任委員景鵬、張政務委員進福、薛政務委員承泰、林政務委員政則、羅政務委員瑩雪、黃政務委員光男、張政務委員善政、楊政務委員秋興、管政務委員中閔、陳政務委員振川、立法院、立法院王院長金平、立法院洪副院長秀柱、丁立法委員守中、姚立法委員文智、羅立法委員淑蕾、蔡立法委員正元、林立法委員郁方、蔣立法委員乃辛、費立法委員鴻泰、賴立法委員士葆、吳立法委員育昇、林立法委員淑芬、高立法委員志鵬、李立法委員鴻鈞、黃立法委員志雄、林立法委員鴻池、江立法委員惠貞、張立法委員慶忠、林立法委員德福、盧立法委員嘉辰、羅立法委員明才、李立法委員慶華、蔡立法委員其昌、顏立法委員清標、楊立法委員瓊瓔、蔡立法委員錦隆、盧立法委員秀燕、林立法委員佳龍、何立法委員欣純、江立法委員啟臣、葉立法委員宜津、黃立法委員偉哲、陳立法委員亭妃、許立法委員添財、陳立法委員唐山、邱立法委員議瑩、邱立法委員志偉、黃立法委員昭順、林立法委員岱樺、管立法委員碧玲、李立法委員昆澤、趙立法委員天麟、許立法委員智傑、林立法委員國正、謝立法委員國樑、呂立法委員學樟、李立法委員俊俋、陳立法委員歐珀、陳立法委員根德、廖立法委員正井、陳立法委員學聖、楊立法委員麗環、呂立法委員玉玲、孫立法委員大千、徐立法委員欣瑩、陳立法委員超明、徐立法委員耀昌、王立法委員惠美、林立法委員滄敏、鄭立法委員汝芬、魏立法委員明谷、馬立法委員文君、林立法委員明溱、張立法委員嘉郡、劉立法委員建國、翁立法委員重鈞、陳立法委員明文、蘇立法委員震清、王立法委員進士、潘立法委員孟安、劉立法委員櫂豪、王立法委員廷升、楊立法委員曜、楊立法委員應雄、陳立法委員雪生、林立法委員正二、鄭立法委員天財、廖立法委員國棟、高金立法委員素梅、孔立法委員文吉、簡立法委員東明、尤立法委員美女、王立法委員育敏、田立法委員秋堇、吳立法委員宜臻、吳立法委員育仁、吳立法委員秉叡、李立法委員桐豪、李立法委員貴敏、李立法委員應元、邱立法委員文彥、林立法委員世嘉、柯立法委員建銘、段立法委員宜康、紀立法委員國棟、徐立法委員少萍、陳立法委員其邁、陳立法委員淑慧、陳立法委員節如、陳立法委員碧涵、陳立法委員鎮湘、張立法委員曉風、許立法委員忠信、曾立法委員巨威、黃立法委員文玲、楊立法委員玉欣、蔡立法委員煌瑯、鄭立法委員麗君、潘立法委員維剛、蕭立法委員美琴、薛立法委員凌、蘇立法委員清泉、詹立法委員凱臣、監察院、監察院王院長建煊、監察院陳副院長進利、尹監察委員祚芊、沈監察委員美真、李監察委員炳南、李監察委員復甸、杜監察委員善良、吳監察委員豐山、余監察委員騰芳、林監察委員鉅鋃、周監察委員陽山、洪監察委員昭男、洪監察委員德旋、馬監察委員以工、馬監察委員秀如、高監察委員鳳仙、陳監察委員永祥、陳監察委員健民、程監察委員仁宏、黃監察委員武次、黃監察委員煌雄、葛監察委員永光、楊監察委員美鈴、葉監察委員耀鵬、趙監察委員昌平、趙監察委員榮耀、劉監察委員玉山、劉監察委員興善、錢林監察委員慧君、司法院、教育部蔣部長偉寧、教育部林政務次長聰明、教育部陳常務次長益興、教育部吳常務次長財順、教育部政風處、教育部人事處、教育部訴願審議委員會、教育部法規委員會、教育部高等教育司、教育部中等教育司、教育部國民教育司、教育部學生軍訓處、教育部秘書室、內政部、內政部會計處、內政部會計處康會計長勝松、內政部政風處、內政部人事處、內政部警政署、內政部警政署王署長卓鈞、臺北巿政府、臺北巿郝巿長龍斌、陳副市長威仁、陳副市長雄文、丁副市長庭宇、臺北市政府教育局、臺北市政府民政局、臺北市政府民政局黃呂錦茹局長、陳副局長其墉、許副局長敏娟、臺北市政府社會局人民團體科、臺北市政府社會局兒童及少年福利科、臺北市大同區公所、臺北市政府警察局、臺北市政府警察局重慶北路派出所、新北巿政府、新北巿朱巿長立倫、李副市長四川、許副市長志堅、侯副市長友宜、陳秘書長伸賢、宋副秘書長自強、許副秘書長育寧、新北市政府教育局、新北市政府民政局、陳局長嘉興、邱副局長武全、新北市政府警察局、臺中市政府、臺中市胡市長志強、蕭副市長家淇、蔡副市長炳坤、徐副市長中雄、黃秘書長國榮、陳副秘書長良義、臺中市政府教育局、臺中市政府民政局、臺中市政府民政局王局長秋冬、呂副局長英俊、臺中市政府警察局、臺南市政府、臺南市賴市長清德、顏副市長純左、林副市長欽榮、陳秘書長美玲、黃副秘書長永泰、臺南市政府教育局、臺南市政府民政局、臺南市政府民政局鄭局長國忠、戴副局長鳳隆、臺南市政府警察局、高雄市政府、高雄市陳市長菊、劉副市長世芳、李副市長永得、陳副市長啟昱、吳秘書長宏謀、許副秘書長傳盛、陳副秘書長鴻益、高雄市政府教育局、高雄市政府民政局、高雄市政府民政局曾局長姿雯、林副局長淑娟、蔡副局長柏英、高雄市政府警察局、基隆市政府、基隆市張市長通榮、柯副市長水源、許秘書長清坤、基隆市政府教育處、基隆市政府民政處、基隆市政府民政處蘇處長先啟、基隆市警察局、新竹市政府、新竹市許市長明財、游副市長建華、吳秘書長宗錤、新竹市政府教育處、新竹市政府民政處、新竹市政府民政處王處長文稟、新竹市警察局、嘉義市政府、嘉義市黃市長敏惠、李副市長錫津、陳秘書長基本、嘉義市政府教育處、嘉義市政府民政處、嘉義市政府民政處張處長寬煜、嘉義市警察局、桃園縣政府、桃園縣吳縣長志揚、李副縣長朝枝、黃副縣長宏斌、葉秘書長秀榮、蔡副秘書長宗烈、桃園縣政府教育局、桃園縣政府民政局、桃園縣政府民政局邱局長德順、桃園縣警察局、新竹縣政府、新竹縣邱縣長鏡淳、章副縣長仁香、徐秘書長柑妹、新竹縣政府教育處、新竹縣政府民政處、新竹縣政府民政處吳處長聲祺、新竹縣警察局、苗栗縣政府、苗栗縣劉縣長政鴻、林副縣長久翔、葉秘書長志航、苗栗縣政府教育處、苗栗縣政府民政處、苗栗縣政府民政處張處長雙旺、苗栗縣警察局、彰化縣政府、彰化縣卓縣長伯源、楊副縣長仲、賴秘書長振溝、彰化縣政府教育處、彰化縣政府民政處、彰化縣政府民政處邱處長士平、彰化縣警察局、南投縣政府、南投縣李縣長朝卿、陳副縣長志清、陳秘書長正昇、南投縣政府教育處、南投縣政府民政處、南投縣政府民政處陳處長瑞慶、南投縣警察局、雲林縣政府、雲林縣蘇縣長治芬、施副縣長克和、許秘書長義豐、雲林縣政府教育處、雲林縣政府民政處、雲林縣政府民政處徐處長忠徹、雲林縣警察局、嘉義縣政府、嘉義縣張縣長花冠、林副縣長美珠、吳秘書長容輝、嘉義縣政府教育處、嘉義縣政府民政處、嘉義縣政府民政處林處長聰利、嘉義縣警察局、屏東縣政府、屏東縣曹縣長啟鴻、鍾副縣長佳濱、鍾秘書長家治、屏東縣政府教育處、屏東縣政府民政處、屏東縣政府民政處鄭處長文華、屏東縣警察局、宜蘭縣政府、宜蘭縣林縣長聰賢、吳副縣長澤成、陳秘書長鑫益、宜蘭縣政府教育處、宜蘭縣政府民政處陳處長文昌、宜蘭縣警察局、花蓮縣政府、花蓮縣傅縣長崐萁、蔡副縣長運煌、賴秘書長興雄、花蓮縣政府教育處、花蓮縣政府民政處、花蓮縣政府民政處周處長傑民、花蓮縣警察局、臺東縣政府、臺東縣黃縣長健庭、張副縣長基義、陳秘書長金虎、臺東縣政府教育處、臺東縣政府民政處、臺東縣政府民政處楊處長淑閔、臺東縣警察局、澎湖縣政府、澎湖縣王縣長乾發、呂副縣長永泰、許秘書長萬昌、澎湖縣政府教育處、澎湖縣政府民政處、澎湖縣政府民政處謝處長瑞滿、澎湖縣警察局、金門縣政府、金門縣李縣長沃土、吳副縣長友欽、金門縣政府教育局、民政局翁局長伸金、盧主任秘書志輝、金門縣警察局、連江縣政府、連江縣楊縣長綏生、連江縣陳副縣長敬忠、劉秘書長羽茵、連江縣政府教育局、民政局王局長詩乾、連江縣警察局、臺北巿議會吳議長碧珠、臺北巿議會周副議長柏雅、王議員浩、王議員世堅、王議員正德、王議員孝維、王議員欣儀、王議員鴻薇、江議員志銘、何議員志偉、吳議員世正、吳議員志剛、吳議員思瑤、李議員新、李議員芳儒、李議員建昌、李議員彥秀、李傅中武議員、李議員慶元、李議員慶鋒、阮議員昭雄、周議員威佑、林議員世宗、林議員奕華、林議員晉章、林議員國成、林議員瑞圖、洪議員健益、徐議員佳青、秦議員慧珠、秦議員儷舫、高議員嘉瑜、張議員茂楠、梁議員文傑、莊議員瑞雄、許議員淑華、郭議員昭巖、陳議員永德、陳議員玉梅、陳議員建銘、陳議員彥伯、陳議員政忠、陳議員義洲、陳議員碧峰、陳議員錦祥、陳議員孋輝、童議員仲彥、黃議員平洋、黃議員珊珊、楊議員實秋、葉林傳議員、劉議員耀仁、厲耿桂芳議員、歐陽議員龍、潘議員懷宗、賴議員素如、應議員曉薇、戴議員錫欽、鍾議員小平、簡余晏議員、闕議員枚莎、顏議員聖冠、王秘書長金德、新北巿議會陳議長幸進、新北巿議會陳副議長鴻源、王議員明麗、王議員建章、王議員淑慧、白議員珮茹、夷將‧拔路兒議員、江議員永昌、何議員淑峯、吳議員琪銘、呂議員子昌、宋議員明宗、宋議員進財、李議員余典、李議員坤城、李議員倩萍、李翁月娥議員、李議員婉鈺、沈議員發惠、周議員勝考、周議員雅玲、忠仁.達祿斯議員、林議員秀惠、林議員國春、林議員銘仁、邱議員烽堯、金議員中玉、金議員介壽、金議員瑞龍、洪議員佳君、胡議員淑蓉、高議員敏慧、張議員宏陸、張議員晉婷、張議員瑞山、許議員正鴻、許議員昭興、連議員斐璠、陳議員文治、陳議員世榮、陳議員永福、陳議員明義、陳議員科名、陳議員啟能、陳議員儀君、陳議員錦錠、彭議員成龍、曾議員煥嘉、游議員輝廷、黃議員永昌、黃林玲玲議員、黃議員俊哲、黃議員桂蘭、廖議員正良、廖議員裕德、劉議員美芳、劉議員哲彰、蔣議員根煌、蔡議員淑君、蔡議員黃隆、蔡議員錦賢、鄭議員金隆、鄭戴麗香議員、賴議員秋媚、顏議員世雄、林秘書長新欽、臺中巿議會張議長清堂、臺中巿議會林副議長士昌、尤議員碧鈴、王議員岳彬、朱議員暖英、江議員勝雄、何議員文海、何議員明杰、何議員欣純、何議員敏誠、吳議員敏濟、吳議員瓊華、吳議員顯森、李議員中、李議員天生、李議員榮鴻、李議員麗華、沈議員佑蓮、林議員士昌、林議員汝洲、林議員珮涵、林議員榮進、邱議員素貞、段議員緯宇、洪議員嘉鴻、翁議員美春、高議員基讚、張議員宏年、張議員滄沂、張廖乃綸議員、張廖萬堅議員、張議員耀中、許議員水彬、陳議員天汶、陳議員世凱、陳議員本添、陳議員成添、陳議員有江、陳議員清龍、陳議員淑華、陳議員詩哲、曾議員朝榮、黃議員仁、黃議員秀珠、黃議員國書、黃議員錫嘉、黃議員馨慧、楊議員正中、楊議員永昌、楊議員典忠、廖議員述鎮、劉議員士州、劉議員錦和、蔡議員成圭、蔡議員雅玲、蕭議員隆澤、賴議員佳微、賴議員朝國、賴議員順仁、賴議員義鍠、謝議員志忠、羅議員永珍 、蘇議員慶雲、蘇議員麗華、陳秘書長健楷、臺南市議會賴議長美惠、臺南市議會郭副議長信良、王議員定宇、王議員峻潭、吳議員健保、吳議員通龍、李議員文正、李議員文俊、李議員坤煌、李議員宗富、李議員退之、杜議員素吟、林議員全忠、林議員志聰、林議員宜瑾、林議員炳利、林議員美燕、林議員慶鎮、林議員燕祝、邱議員莉莉、侯議員澄財、施議員重男、洪議員玉鳳、唐議員碧娥、張議員世賢、張議員伯祿、梁議員順發、莊議員玉珠、郭議員秀珠、郭議員國文、郭議員清華、陳議員文科、陳議員文賢、陳議員怡珍、陳議員秋萍、陳議員特清、陳議員朝來、陳議員進益、陳議員進雄、陳議員進義、陸議員美祈、曾王雅雲議員、曾議員秀娟、曾議員培雅、曾議員順良、黃議員麗招、楊議員麗玉、蔡議員玉枝、蔡議員旺詮、蔡議員秋蘭、蔡議員淑惠、蔡蘇秋金議員、盧議員崑福、賴議員惠員、謝議員財旺、謝議員龍介、顏議員炎釧、黃秘書長恭喜、高雄市議會許議長崑源、高雄市議會蔡副議長昌達、伊斯坦大.被亞夫.正福議員、朱議員信強、吳議員利成、吳議員益政、李議員長生、李議員眉蓁、李議員喬如、李議員雅靜、李議員順進、李議員鴻鈞、周議員玲玟、周議員鍾湛、林議員宛蓉、林議員武忠、林議員芳如、林議員國正、林議員富寶、林議員瑩蓉、俄鄧.殷艾議員、柯議員路加、洪議員平朗、洪議員秀錦、孫議員慶餘、翁議員瑞珠、康議員議員裕成、張議員文瑞、張議員勝富、張議員漢忠、張議員豐藤、莊議員啟旺、許議員福森、連議員立堅、郭議員建盟、陳議員明澤、陳議員玫娟、陳議員信瑜、陳議員政聞、陳議員美雅、陳議員粹鑾、陳議員慧文、陳議員麗珍、陳議員麗娜、陸議員淑美、曾議員水文、曾議員俊傑、曾議員麗燕、童議員燕珍、黃議員天煌、黃議員石龍、黃議員柏霖、黃議員淑美、楊議員見福、劉議員德林、蔡議員金晏、鄭議員光峰、鄭議員新助、蕭議員永達、錢議員聖武、韓議員賜村、藍議員星木、顏議員曉菁、蘇議員炎城、蘇議員琦莉、徐秘書長隆盛、基隆市議會黃議長景泰、基隆市議會曾副議長水源、朱議員瑞祥、何議員淑萍、呂議員美玲、宋議員瑋莉、沈議員義傳、施議員世明、洪議員森永、秦議員鉦、高辜惠珍議員、張議員芳麗、張議員耿輝、張議員漢土、張議員錦煌、莊議員榮欽、莊議員錦田、陳議員江山、陳議員志成、陳議員東財、游議員祥耀、楊議員石城、詹議員春陽、蔡議員旺璉、蔡議員適應、鄭議員怡信、鄭林清良議員、謝議員守男、韓議員良圻、藍議員敏煌、蘇議員仁和、蘇議員財發、葉秘書長景棟、新竹市議會謝議長文進、新竹市議會孫副議長鍚洲、田議員雅芳、余議員邦彥、吳議員青山、吳議員秋穀、吳議員國寶、呂議員於臺、李議員姸慧、林議員耕仁、林議員智堅、林議員漢淇、段議員孝芳、張議員祖琰、許議員文棟、許議員修睿、陳議員文正、陳議員啟源、陳議員清全、彭議員昆耀、曾議員資程、賀議員玉燕、蔡議員錕鈺、鄭議員正宗、鄭議員正鈐、鄭議員成光、鄭議員宏輝、蕭議員志潔、謝議員希誠、鍾議員淑英、魏議員秀珍、羅議員文熾、陳秘書長惠成、嘉義市議會林議長承勳、嘉義市議會邱副議長芳欽、王議員美惠、吳議員上明、李議員忠曆、張議員秀華、張議員敏琪、張議員榮藏、郭議員明賓、郭議員美玲、陳議員文齡、陳議員幸枝、傅議員大偉、黃議員正男、黃議員秋澤、黃議員國村、黃議員露慧、廖議員天隆、蔡議員文旭、蔡議員永泉、蔡議員貴絲、蔡議員榮豐、鄭議員俊亨、戴議員寧、陳秘書長威丞、桃園縣議會邱議長奕勝、桃園縣議會李副議長曉鐘、王議員淳長、吳議員宗憲、吳議員春芳、呂議員宏仁、呂林小鳳議員、呂議員淑真、李議員柏坊、李議員家興、李議員訓求、李議員雲強、李議員麗珠、沐議員平波、周議員玉琴、林議員俐玲、林議員政賢、邱議員佳亮、邱議員素芬、洪議員國治、徐議員玉樹、徐議員其萬、徐議員景文、張議員文瑜、張議員火爐、張議員運炳、張議員肇良、梁議員為超、梁議員新武、莊議員玉輝、許議員清順、許議員森能、郭蔡美英議員、陳議員瑛、陳議員宗義、陳議員治文、陳議員美梅、陳議員泰宇、陳賴素美議員、陳議員麗莉、傅議員淑香、舒議員翠玲、黃議員哲鍾、黃議員婉如、黃議員景熙、黃議員智銘、楊議員朝偉、萬議員美玲、葉議員明月、詹議員江村、廖議員輝星、趙議員正宇、劉議員邦鉉、劉議員茂群、劉曾玉春議員、蔣議員中千、鄧議員仁艾、閻議員中傑、謝議員彰文、羅議員文欽、李秘書長慶同、苗栗縣議會游議長忠鈿、苗栗縣議會陳副議長明朝、吳議員昌運、巫議員恒昭、李議員文斌、李議員貴富、李議員聰祥、林議員寶珠、邱議員秋琴、邱議員紹俊、禹議員耀東、胡議員忠勇、孫議員素娥、徐議員欽鴻、涂議員春榮、張議員太陽、張議員家靜、陳議員永賢、陳議員碧華、傅議員學煥、黃議員月娥、楊議員恭林、楊議員慶汶、溫議員志強、詹議員運喜、劉議員秋東、劉議員寶玲、潘議員秋榮、蔡議員平偉、鄭議員秋風、鄭議員碧玉、賴議員源順、謝議員芳紋、謝議員端容、鍾議員福貴、韓議員茂賢、羅議員雪珠、黃秘書長蘭昌、新竹縣議會陳議長見賢、新竹縣議會林副議長為洲、史議員金象、何議員淦銘、吳議員淑君、吳議員寀璇、吳議員勝松、吳議員菊花、林議員光榮、林議員志華、林議員保光、林議員保祿、林議員思銘、林議員政良、邱議員振偉、徐議員欣瑩、高議員偉凱、張議員志弘、許議員阿勇、郭議員遠彰、陳議員正順、陳議員柏維、陳議員英樓、黃議員永傳、黃議員金樓、葉議員芬英、趙議員一先、劉議員良彬、鄭議員美琴、鄭議員清漢、盧議員東文、顏議員永秋、羅議員吉祥、蘇議員明輝、林秘書長昌土、彰化縣議會謝議長典霖、彰化縣議會許副議長原龍、尤議員瑞春、江議員瑞演、江熊一楓議員、吳議員淑娟、李議員俊諭、李議員浩誠、阮議員厚爵、林議員茂明、林議員滄喜、林議員維浩、林議員聖哲、柯議員振杯、洪議員和炉、洪議員宗熠、洪議員進南、洪議員麗娜、唐議員鎮林、張議員永泉、張議員東正、張議員雪如、張議員錦昆、曹議員明正、梁議員禎祥、陳議員一惇、陳議員玉姬、陳議員秀寶、陳議員重嘉、陳議員素月、陳議員榮妹、陳議員錦玉、曾議員世勇、游議員振雄、黃議員千宴、黃議員秀芳、黃議員育寬、黃議員振彥、黃議員寶隆、楊議員竣程、楊議員福建、葉議員寧鋒、葉議員麗娟、劉議員淑芳、劉議員錦昌、歐陽議員蓁珠、蕭議員延青、蕭議員淑芬、賴議員岸璋、賴議員炳輝、賴議員清美、顧黃水花議員、凃議員淑媚、李秘書長俊德、南投縣議會何議長勝豐、南投縣議會潘副議長一全、王議員彩雲、史議員清水、吳議員國昌、吳議員棋祥、吳議員瑞芳、宋議員懷琳、李議員添興、林議員永鴻、林議員昆熠、林議員憶如、張議員經魁、莊議員文斌、許議員粧、許議員素霞、陳議員昭煜、陳議員倩月、陳議員國雄、陳議員淑惠、陳議員翰立、曾議員萬定、游議員宏達、黃議員志學、廖議員志城、廖議員宜賢、廖議員梓佑、潘議員一全、蔡議員宜助、蔡議員明源、賴議員燕雪、戴議員世詮、謝議員明謀、簡議員沛霖、簡議員景賢、陳秘書長國忠、雲林縣議會蘇議長金煌、雲林縣議會林副議長逢錦、王議員士壬、王議員秋足、王議員清貴、王議員鐵道、江議員文登、李議員合同、李議員明哲、李議員建志、李議員建昇、李議員建福、沈議員宗隆、沈議員銘恭、周議員秀月、林議員深、林議員建鴻、林議員哲凌、林議員朝寶、林議員琨富、林議員新丁、林議員聖爵、翁議員水上、張議員素蘭、陳議員河山、陳議員瑞雄、黃議員凱、黃議員文祥、黃議員進一、黃議員耀煌、廖議員秋萍、廖議員清祥、廖議員錦珠、蔡議員孟真、蔡議員岳儒、蔡議員東富、蔡議員秋敏、鄭議員東來、鄭議員玲惠、賴議員淑媛、謝議員翠蓮、簡議員慈坊、鐘議員俊興、張秘書長耀文、嘉義縣議會余議長政達、嘉義縣議會張副議長明達、王議員幸悅、何議員旭昇、吳議員思蓉、李議員國勝、汪議員志敏、官議員文樹、林議員于玲、林議員秀琴、林議員寶瓶、侯議員清河、翁議員聰賢、連議員鳳齊、郭議員西川、郭議員芳宜、陳議員怡岳、陳議員保仁、陳議員柏麟、陳議員鳳梅、曾議員亮哲、黃議員傑、黃議員嫈珺、黃議員嘉寬、楊議員秀玉、葉議員和平、葉議員孟龍、詹議員金繪、詹議員家甄、詹黃素蓮議員、劉議員敬祥、蔡議員奇璋、蔡議員鼎三、賴議員朝崙、賴議員瓊如、顏蔡淑惠議員、羅議員士洋、黃秘書長尚文、屏東縣議會林議長清都、屏東縣議會劉副議長水復、尤議員慶賀、王議員志豐、王議員啟敏、王議員景山、王議員薇茗、江議員維屏、何議員春美、吳議員亮慶、宋議員麗華、李議員世斌、李議員香蘭、李議員清聖、李議員冀香、杜議員春生、周議員碧雲、林議員玉如、林議員玉花、林議員亞相、林議員亞蒓、林議員明順、林議員郁虹、林議員傑西、林議員輝雄、邱議員名璋、施蘇貴美議員、柯議員富國、唐議員玉琴、徐議員榮耀、張議員金文、張議員榮志、許議員國華、許議員馨勻、連議員正勝、郭議員再添、郭議員美玉、曾議員義雄、曾議員勳任、曾議員瓊慧、黃議員明榮、黃議員國安、黃議員斯平、楊議員嘉慶、葉議員明博、劉議員淼松、潘議員長成、潘議員政治、潘議員淑真、潘議員裕隆、蔣議員家煌、鄭議員寶川、盧議員文信、盧議員同恊、蘇議員義峰、黃秘書長道東、宜蘭縣議會張議長建榮、宜蘭縣議會李副議長清林、江議員碧華、江議員聰淵、吳議員宏謀、吳議員秋齡、吳議員福田、李議員志鏞、沈議員德茂、林議員水金、林議員岳賢、林議員朝旺、林議員棋山、邱議員素梅、張議員建榮、張議員秋明、張議員漢東、曹議員乾舜、陳議員正男、陳議員孝仁、陳議員來賜、陳議員金麟、陳議員福山、陳議員鴻禧、游議員祥德、黃議員浴沂、黃議員素琴、黃議員適超、楊議員政誠、劉議員添梧、蔡議員文益、賴議員瑞鼎、謝議員志得、簡議員海樹、簡議員德旺、陳秘書長茂琳、花蓮縣議會楊議長文值、花蓮縣議會賴副議長進坤、王議員燕美、何議員禮臺、余議員夏夫、呂議員必賢、李議員秋旺、林議員春生、林議員秋美、邱議員永双、施議員金樹、施議員慧萍、孫議員永昌、徐議員雪玉、張議員峻、張議員正治、笛布斯顗賚議員、莊議員枝財、陳議員長明、陳議員英妹、陳議員修福、游議員美雲、黃議員振富、黃議員輝寶、楊議員德金、葉議員鯤璟、劉議員曉玫、潘議員富民、蔡議員啟塔、蕭議員文龍、謝議員國榮、魏議員嘉賢、龔議員文俊、楊秘書長傑、臺東縣議會饒議長慶鈴、臺東縣議會陳副議長宏宗、王議員清堅、田議員石雄、朱議員連濟、江議員堅壽、余議員忠義、吳議員景槐、宋議員賢一、李議員建智、李議員振源、李議員錦慧、林議員東滿、林議員琮翰、胡議員秋金、夏曼.瑪德能議員、張議員卓然、張議員國洲、張議員清忠、張議員萬生、許議員進榮、陳.藍姆洛議員、陳議員志峰、陳議員參天、黃議員秋、劉議員純歌、蔡議員義勇、鄭議員安定、謝議員明珠、嚴議員惠美、陳秘書長劍寶、澎湖縣議會劉陳昭玲議長、澎湖縣議會藍副議長俊逸、成議員萬貫、宋議員國進、李議員添進、胡議員松榮、夏議員晨榮、許議員月里、陳議員海山、陳議員雙全、黃議員春燕、楊議員曜、葉議員竹林、葉議員明縣、歐議員陽洲、歐議員中慨、鄭議員清發、魏議員長源、蘇議員文佐、洪秘書長有信、金門縣議會王議長再生、金門縣議會許副議長建中、王議員碧珍、李議員誠智、周議員子傑、林議員金量、林議員孫全、洪議員麗萍、唐議員麗輝、許議員玉昭、許議員華玉、許議員燕道、陳議員滄江、楊議員永立、楊議員應雄、蔡議員水游、蔡議員春生、謝議員東龍、許秘書長丕贊、連江縣議會陳議長貴志、連江縣議會曹副議長以標、李議員金梅、林議員惠萍、張議員永江、曹議員丞君、曹議員爾章、陳議員建光、謝議員丞春、劉秘書長枝蓮、臺灣菸酒股份有限公司、臺北巿政府警察局北投分局、臺北市政府警察局北投分局李分局長禎琨、臺北市政府警察局士林分局、臺北市政府警察局士林分局江分局長慶興、臺北市政府警察局內湖分局、臺北市政府警察局內湖分局王分局長鳳輝、臺北市政府警察局松山分局、臺北市政府警察局松山分局林分局長順家、臺北市政府警察局中山分局、臺北市政府警察局中山分局李分局長永癸、臺北市政府警察局大同分局、臺北市政府警察局大同分局陳分局長國進、臺北市政府警察局南港分局、臺北市政府警察局南港分局黃分局長啟澤、臺北市政府警察局信義分局、臺北市政府警察局信義分局王分局長嘉衡、臺北市政府警察局大安分局、臺北市政府警察局大安分局張分局長傳忠、臺北市政府警察局中正第一分局、臺北市政府警察局中正第一分局方分局長仰寧、臺北市政府警察局中正第二分局、臺北市政府警察局中正第二分局李分局長啟富、臺北市政府警察局萬華分局、臺北市政府警察局萬華分局楊分局長春鈞、臺北市政府警察局文山第一分局、臺北市政府警察局文山第一分局廖分局長美鈴、臺北市政府警察局文山第二分局、臺北市政府警察局文山第二分局呂分局長春長、新北市政府警察局板橋分局、新北市政府警察局板橋分局艾分局長鵬、新北市政府警察局海山分局、新北市政府警察局海山分局劉分局長章遠、新北市政府警察局中和第一分局、新北市政府警察局中和第一分局陳分局長耀、新北市政府警察局中和第二分局、新北市政府警察局中和第二分局游分局長蒼怡、新北市政府警察局永和分局、新北市政府警察局永和分局江分局長振茂、新北市政府警察局新店分局、新北市政府警察局新店分局金分局長浩明、新北市政府警察局三重分局、新北市政府警察局三重分局許分局長永生、新北市政府警察局新莊分局、新北市政府警察局新莊分局蔡分局長耀坤、新北市政府警察局土城分局、新北市政府警察局土城分局張分局長世淐、新北市政府警察局樹林分局、新北市政府警察局樹林分局陳分局長榮傑、新北市政府警察局淡水分局、新北市政府警察局淡水分局莊分局長定凱、新北市政府警察局汐止分局、新北市政府警察局汐止分局劉分局長文孝、新北市政府警察局蘆洲分局、新北市政府警察局蘆洲分局劉分局長永明、新北市政府警察局三峽分局、新北市政府警察局三峽分局余分局長瑞豐、新北市政府警察局瑞芳分局、新北市政府警察局瑞芳分局徐分局長世霖、新北市政府警察局金山分局、新北市政府警察局金山分局劉分局長來通、臺中市政府警察局第一分局、臺中市政府警察局第一分局蔡分局長金霸、臺中市政府警察局第二分局、臺中市政府警察局第二分局陳分局長才馨、臺中市政府警察局第三分局、臺中市政府警察局第三分局卓分局長政良、臺中市政府警察局第四分局、臺中市政府警察局第四分局林分局長漢堂、臺中市政府警察局第五分局、臺中市政府警察局第五分局陳分局長朝龍、臺中市政府警察局第六分局、臺中市政府警察局第六分局廖分局長春鎮、臺中市政府警察局豐原分局、臺中市政府警察局豐原分局許分局長慶豐、臺中市政府警察局大甲分局、臺中市政府警察局大甲分局林分局長清求、臺中市政府警察局清水分局、臺中市政府警察局清水分局張分局長銅鐘、臺中市政府警察局烏日分局、臺中市政府警察局烏日分局陳分局長大文、臺中市政府警察局霧峰分局、臺中市政府警察局霧峰分局魏分局長慶賢、臺中市政府警察局太平分局、臺中市政府警察局太平分局余分局長一縣、臺中市政府警察局東勢分局、臺中市政府警察局東勢分局蔡分局長榮林、臺中市政府警察局和平分局、臺中市政府警察局和平分局曹分局長晴輝、臺南市政府警察局新營分局、臺南市政府警察局新營分局許分局長世旻、臺南市政府警察局白河分局、臺南市政府警察局白河分局孫分局長文超、臺南市政府警察局麻豆分局、臺南市政府警察局麻豆分局劉分局長榮哲、臺南市政府警察局佳里分局、臺南市政府警察局佳里分局陳分局長祥泰、臺南市政府警察局學甲分局、臺南市政府警察局學甲分局蔡分局長丁賢、臺南市政府警察局善化分局、臺南市政府警察局善化分局李分局長政曉、臺南市政府警察局新化分局、臺南市政府警察局新化分局程分局長文宏、臺南市政府警察局歸仁分局、臺南市政府警察局歸仁分局柯分局長訂讚、臺南市政府警察局玉井分局、臺南市政府警察局玉井分局黃分局長嵩琛、臺南市政府警察局永康分局、臺南市政府警察局永康分局賴分局長昆明、臺南市政府警察局第一分局、臺南市政府警察局第一分局姜分局長若瑀、臺南市政府警察局第二分局、臺南市政府警察局第二分局黃分局長宗榮、臺南市政府警察局第三分局、臺南市政府警察局第三分局謝分局長鴻傳、臺南市政府警察局第四分局、臺南市政府警察局第四分局詹分局長永華、臺南市政府警察局第五分局、臺南市政府警察局第五分局江分局長永廷、臺南市政府警察局第六分局、臺南市政府警察局第六分局張分局長術論、高雄市政府警察局新興分局、高雄市政府警察局新興分局鄭分局長明忠、高雄市政府警察局前鎮分局、高雄市政府警察局前鎮分局、高雄市政府警察局前鎮分局葉分局長義燈、高雄市政府警察局仁武分局、高雄市政府警察局仁武分局張分局長博文、高雄市政府警察局鹽埕分局、高雄市政府警察局鹽埕分局沈分局長慶華、高雄市政府警察局小港分局、高雄市政府警察局小港分局呂分局長玉川、高雄市政府警察局岡山分局、高雄市政府警察局岡山分局劉分局長勝元、高雄市政府警察局左營分局、高雄市政府警察局左營分局謝分局長榮隆、高雄市政府警察局楠梓分局、高雄市政府警察局楠梓分局李分局長憲偉、高雄市政府警察局湖內分局、高雄市政府警察局湖內分局李分局長德智、高雄市政府警察局鼓山分局、高雄市政府警察局鼓山分局劉分局長耀欽、高雄市政府警察局三民第二分局、高雄市政府警察局三民第二分局江分局長雅文、高雄市政府警察局旗山分局、高雄市政府警察局旗山分局汪分局長忠榮、高雄市政府警察局苓雅分局、高雄市政府警察局苓雅分局林分局長金郎、高雄市政府警察局鳳山分局、高雄市政府警察局鳳山分局陳分局長書田、高雄市政府警察局六龜分局、高雄市政府警察局六龜分局王分局長欽源、高雄市政府警察局三民第一分局、高雄市政府警察局三民第一分局黃分局長慶惠、高雄市政府警察局林園分局、高雄市政府警察局林園分局戴分局長誠兵、桃園縣政府警察局桃園分局、桃園縣政府警察局桃園分局蔡分局長萬來、桃園縣政府警察局中壢分局、桃園縣政府警察局中壢分局溫分局長枝發、桃園縣政府警察局楊梅分局、桃園縣政府警察局楊梅分局高分局長壽孫、桃園縣政府警察局大園分局、桃園縣政府警察局大園分局高分局長建源、桃園縣政府警察局大溪分局、桃園縣政府警察局大溪分局許分局長錫榮、桃園縣政府警察局平鎮分局、桃園縣政府警察局平鎮分局江分局長義益、桃園縣政府警察局八德分局、桃園縣政府警察局八德分局詹分局長永茂、桃園縣政府警察局龜山分局、桃園縣政府警察局龜山分局呂分局長金城、桃園縣政府警察局蘆竹分局、桃園縣政府警察局蘆竹分局吳分局長清湖、桃園縣政府警察局龍潭分局、桃園縣政府警察局龍潭分局王分局長炳煌、基隆市政府警察局第一分局、基隆市政府警察局第一分局陳分局長志成、基隆市政府警察局第二分局、基隆市政府警察局第二分局陳分局長錦文、基隆市政府警察局第三分局、基隆市政府警察局第三分局高分局長鎮文、基隆市政府警察局第四分局、基隆市政府警察局第四分局侍分局長臺安、新竹市政府警察局第一分局、新竹市政府警察局第一分局謝分局長宗宏、新竹市政府警察局第二分局、新竹市政府警察局第二分局范分局長振煥、新竹市政府警察局第三分局、新竹市政府警察局第三分局李分局長崇偉、嘉義市政府警察局第一分局、嘉義市政府警察局第一分局張分局長啟祥、嘉義市政府警察局第二分局、嘉義市政府警察局第二分局張分局長順調、新竹縣政府警察局竹北分局、新竹縣政府警察局竹北分局蘇分局長天從、新竹縣政府警察局竹東分局、新竹縣政府警察局竹東分局鍾分局長孝平、新竹縣政府警察局新埔分局、新竹縣政府警察局新埔分局賈分局長立民、新竹縣政府警察局橫山分局、新竹縣政府警察局橫山分局傅分局長孟煒、苗栗縣政府警察局大湖分局、苗栗縣政府警察局大湖分局林分局長文福、苗栗縣政府警察局通霄分局、苗栗縣政府警察局通霄分局吳分局長銘淵、苗栗縣政府警察局頭份分局、苗栗縣政府警察局頭份分局陳分局長家銘、苗栗縣政府警察局竹南分局、苗栗縣政府警察局竹南分局林分局長錦坤、苗栗縣政府警察局苗栗分局、苗栗縣政府警察局苗栗分局局長、南投縣政府警察局南投分局、南投縣政府警察局南投分局郭分局長仁賓、南投縣政府警察局中興分局、南投縣政府警察局中興分局張分局長慈慧、南投縣政府警察局埔里分局、南投縣政府警察局埔里分局鄭分局長順乾、南投縣政府警察局仁愛分局、南投縣政府警察局仁愛分局蔡分局長春富、南投縣政府警察局竹山分局、南投縣政府警察局竹山分局李分局長建廣、南投縣政府警察局草屯分局、南投縣政府警察局草屯分局李分局長文智、南投縣政府警察局集集分局、南投縣政府警察局集集分局張分局長偉中、南投縣政府警察局信義分局、南投縣政府警察局信義分局毛分局長昆益、彰化縣政府警察局彰化分局、彰化縣政府警察局彰化分局郭分局長士傑、彰化縣政府警察局員林分局、彰化縣政府警察局員林分局陳分局長銘欽、彰化縣政府警察局鹿港分局、彰化縣政府警察局鹿港分局林分局長沐弘、彰化縣政府警察局溪湖分局、彰化縣政府警察局溪湖分局洪分局長志朋、彰化縣政府警察局和美分局、彰化縣政府警察局和美分局余分局長臺貴、彰化縣政府警察局北斗分局、彰化縣政府警察局北斗分局林分局長漢堂、彰化縣政府警察局芳苑分局、彰化縣政府警察局芳苑分局林分局長中興、彰化縣政府警察局田中分局、彰化縣政府警察局田中分局陳分局長吉政、雲林縣政府警察局斗六分局、雲林縣政府警察局斗六分局陳分局長世寶、雲林縣政府警察局斗南分局、雲林縣政府警察局斗南分局陳分局長保安、雲林縣政府警察局虎尾分局、雲林縣政府警察局虎尾分局歐分局長祖明、雲林縣政府警察局西螺分局、雲林縣政府警察局西螺分局賴分局長吉雄、雲林縣政府警察局北港分局、雲林縣政府警察局北港分局張分局長金來、雲林縣政府警察局臺西分局、雲林縣政府警察局臺西分局黃分局長水藤、嘉義縣政府警察局民雄分局、嘉義縣政府警察局民雄分局戴分局長能振、嘉義縣政府警察局朴子分局、嘉義縣政府警察局朴子分局黃分局長順益、嘉義縣政府警察局水上分局、嘉義縣政府警察局水上分局吳分局長在堂、嘉義縣政府警察局布袋分局、嘉義縣政府警察局布袋分局卓分局長金益、嘉義縣政府警察局中埔分局、嘉義縣政府警察局中埔分局沈分局長能成、嘉義縣政府警察局竹崎分局、嘉義縣政府警察局竹崎分局馬分局長新民、屏東縣政府警察局屏東分局、屏東縣政府警察局屏東分局林分局長長春、屏東縣政府警察局里港分局、屏東縣政府警察局里港分局林分局長獻力、屏東縣政府警察局內埔分局、屏東縣政府警察局內埔分局郭分局長志成、屏東縣政府警察局東港分局、屏東縣政府警察局東港分局梁分局長東山、屏東縣政府警察局潮州分局、屏東縣政府警察局潮州分局洪分局長容敏、屏東縣政府警察局枋寮分局、屏東縣政府警察局枋寮分局陳分局長志榮、屏東縣政府警察局恆春分局、屏東縣政府警察局恆春分局許分局長頌嘉、宜蘭縣政府警察局宜蘭分局、宜蘭縣政府警察局宜蘭分局陳分局長東成、宜蘭縣政府警察局礁溪分局、宜蘭縣政府警察局礁溪分局黃分局長志祥、宜蘭縣政府警察局羅東分局、宜蘭縣政府警察局羅東分局李分局長忠萍、宜蘭縣政府警察局蘇澳分局、宜蘭縣政府警察局蘇澳分局劉分局長炯炫、宜蘭縣政府警察局三星分局、宜蘭縣政府警察局三星分局王分局長鴻儒、花蓮縣政府警察局花蓮分局、花蓮縣政府警察局花蓮分局林分局長依仰、花蓮縣政府警察局吉安分局、花蓮縣政府警察局吉安分局林分局長宏輝、花蓮縣政府警察局新城分局、花蓮縣政府警察局新城分局林分局長清圳、花蓮縣政府警察局鳳林分局、花蓮縣政府警察局鳳林分局江分局長東成、花蓮縣政府警察局玉里分局、花蓮縣政府警察局玉里分局涂分局長文秀、臺東縣政府警察局臺東分局、臺東縣政府警察局臺東分局鄭分局長平芳、臺東縣政府警察局關山分局、臺東縣政府警察局關山分局范分局長織坤、臺東縣政府警察局成功分局、臺東縣政府警察局成功分局魏分局長仲亨、臺東縣政府警察局大武分局、臺東縣政府警察局大武分局葉分局長志誠、澎湖縣政府警察局馬公分局、澎湖縣政府警察局馬公分局張分局長泰賓、澎湖縣政府警察局白沙分局、澎湖縣政府警察局白沙分局許分局長文光、澎湖縣政府警察局望安分局、澎湖縣政府警察局望安分局邵分局長明仁、金門縣政府警察局金城分局、金門縣政府警察局金城分局陳分局長春周、金門縣政府警察局金湖分局、金門縣政府警察局金湖分局石分局長進智、連江縣政府警察局北竿警察所、連江縣政府警察局北竿警察所林所長國獻、連江縣政府警察局南竿警察所、連江縣政府警察局南竿警察所林所長國安、連江縣政府警察局莒光警察所、連江縣政府警察局莒光警察所葉所長添旺、連江縣政府警察局東引警察所、連江縣政府警察局東引警察所賴所長清芳、連江縣政府警察局西區派出所、連江縣政府警察局西區派出所林所長俊欣、連江縣政府警察局東莒派出所、連江縣政府警察局東莒派出所林所長信勇、內政部建築研究所何所長明錦、內政部建築研究所副所長、內政部建築研究所會計室陳主任春足(因於上班時間來電支持藏傳佛教而抗議本會的義行,特給副本知會)。
 董事長 張 公 僕

A TEEF 1008 Response to the Ministry of Education's Opposition of the Unveiling of Truth about Tibetan Tantrism

A Letter from True Enlightenment Education Foundation

Foundation Code: 763
Address: 10F, No.267, Sec. 3, Chengde Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103, Taiwan
Fax: 02-25954493
Contact Person: Administration Section 02-25956092 (Volunteers are available to answer calls at weekdays from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.)

Attn: Ministry of Education

Date of Issue: 9 April, 2012
Ref. Number: TEEF 10101008
Priority: Highest
Confidentiality and Classification: Normal
(1) Criminal case file
(2) Notification from the Criminal Division of Taipei District Court, Taiwan
(3) Replies to the defamatory articles “Tibetans’ refutation on Pings Xiao’s slandering attack on Tibetan Buddhism” 1~5
(4) The True Enlightenment Education Foundation’s (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) open rebuttal to Tibetan Buddhism’s slandering attack against the Foundation
(5) Ten pages of health warning texts and graphic pictures on cigarette packages of different countries
(6) A pamphlet of “Exposing the Series of Lies Made by Spokesman of the Tibet Religious Foundation of H.H. the Dalai Lama”
(7) Analysis of questionnaires on the “Opinions and Views of the Social Education Campaign Displayed by the Foundation on the Outer Walls of Its Building”
Subject: The Foundation has been acting in accordance with its mission statement, which is to foster social wellbeing through actively promoting social education as well as maintaining social ethics and morals. The Foundation always duly observes laws, regulations, and its existing contribution rules. In spite of this, Your Esteemed Ministry (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) has been sending letters to the Foundation, interfering, discrediting, and suppressing its benevolent efforts in promoting social education and wellbeing. The Foundation hereby requests the Ministry to respond to the following inquiries:
Does the Ministry support a vicious and depraved religious organization that has been continuously undermining social decency?
Does the Ministry intend to protect the freedom of an evil cult to promote itself?
Does the Ministry intend to ignore and act against the right of the public to know the truth?
1. Reply to the Ministry’s letters of Tai She (four) Ref. No. 0990221507, Ref. No. 0990226273, Ref. No. 0990924637, Ref. No. 1000012503, Ref. No. 1000017280, Ref. No. 1000070513, Ref. No. 1000075742, Ref. No. 1000090294, Ref. No. 1000148256, Ref. No. 1000210511, Ref. No. 1000212385, Ref. No. 1010025235B, and Ref. No. 1010015216A.
2. The letter of 17 January 2011, Ref. No. (100) TEEF 100002, which states that the Foundation has complied with the Ministry’s advice and revised the texts on the signs displayed on the outer walls of its building, must have been received by the Ministry. On 5 May 2011, the Chairman of the Foundation submitted to the Ministry in person the following publications that attested to the cult nature of Tibetan Buddhism: The True Face of the Dalai Lama, Behind the Façade of Tibetan Buddhism, A Fair Commentary on the Great Exposition of Tantra, the pamphlet entitled “The Lama’s Highest Yoga Tantra is to Have Sex with Female Followers,” Exposing the Inside Story of Tibetan Tantra, along with the book A Survey of the Paths of Tibetan Buddhism published by The Dalai Lama Foundation. The Foundation further mailed to the Ministry copies of news articles as well as relevant media coverage regarding sexual assaults committed by lamas, which were delivered to the Department of Civil Affairs of Taipei City Government by letter Ref. No. (100) TEEF100005, on 14 May, 2011. Moreover, the Foundation has regularly contacted administrator Mr. Zhan to express and explain our good-faith effort in social education. Once again, the Foundation would like to emphasize that its research findings on Buddhism and philosophy are profound, extensive, and irrefutable. In order to fully contribute back to society, the Foundation is dedicated to educating the public with its research findings on the evil essence of Tibetan Buddhism.

The Foundation comprises many honorable community members, including scholars, lawyers, college professors, teachers, and public servants. The research results on Buddhism and philosophy attained by its members are unchallengeable and irrefutable by contemporary scholarly communities of Buddhism and philosophy.

The Foundation has always acted in accordance with laws and regulations. All pamphlets and booklets issued have been reviewed by its legal advisors to ensure compliance with legal codes as well as the Foundation’s mission statement before their distribution or circulation.

The enclosure of the Ministry’s official letter, Ref. No. Tai She (four) 1010025235B, on 6 March, 2012, is an anonymous complaint letter after the Ministry concealed its original sender; the complaint letter was presumably composed by either the Sino-Tibetan Friendship Association or Tibetan Welfare Association. It falsely accuses the Foundation, its affiliated associations, and individuals of indecency and obscenity by quoting them out of context. Such unjustified accusation has constituted a serious case of aggravated defamation.

The Foundation is cordially requesting the Ministry to provide the original copy of the aforementioned document, or a copy of the original document in which the writer’s name has not been concealed, so that the Foundation can file a complaint with the local court, elucidate the truth in court, and inform the public of the details. In addition, the Foundation is sincerely pleading with the Ministry to exercise sound judgment rather than mistake the facts and render the Ministry an accomplice.
3. The Foundation is perplexed by the letter from the Ministry, Ref. No. Tai She (four) 1010025235B, which requests the Foundation to clarify its source of funding. The Foundation’s funding comes as donations from the board of directors, its members, and individuals who identify with its good deeds and values. A receipt has been issued to each and every donation in accordance with the law. In addition, since its establishment, the Foundation has been audited annually by Certified Public Accountant. All documentation have been prepared according to the “Guidelines for Financial Handling of Educational Institution” prior to its submission to the Ministry’s review.

Never has the Foundation received any official financial supports from the Taiwan government or government of any other countries. Its personnel have never been on a payroll, nor have they ever received salaries, reimbursement for transportation cost, or any other types of payments, as they are all volunteers who offer their service free of charge. Owing to the generous contributions from its members who are mostly individuals of average income, the Foundation is able to educate the general public to stay away from the unlawful and unethical cult, and its potential harm caused by group sex, incest, as well as sexual abuses.

The Foundation annually submits detailed financial documentation and audit reports by Certified Public Accountant to the Ministry for review and reference and has duly received confirmation from the Ministry for all its submissions. On what ground is the Ministry questioning the Foundation’s actual sources of funding? Has the Ministry overlooked the paperwork that the Foundation has submitted due to heavy workload?

Besides, attachment enclosed in the letter sent from the Ministry is unclear and incomplete. Please kindly furnish with complete detailed information to substantiate the grounds of your inquiries, and demonstrate that the cause for this letter is not fabricated by the Ministry or an informant.

Had there been an informant, the Ministry is obliged to inform the Foundation of the identity of the informant as well as the details of the accusation in order for the Foundation to make corrections accordingly. However, in the case that the accusation is ungrounded or based on fabrication, the Foundation has the right to file a defamation lawsuit against the defamer - be it an organization or an individual - to clarify the truth and hold the defamer responsible for its wrongdoing.

Furthermore, please find herewith enclosed documents in proceedings for your reference: the Foundation’s criminal case paper, court hearing notice, and open replies to the defamatory articles “Tibetans’ refutation on Pings Xiao’s slandering attack on Tibetan Buddhism” 1-5 posted on our official website; all these materials have been filed with the Court of Appeals with regard to the false accusations fabricated by a malicious Tibetan Buddhist organization.

4. Letters sent by the Ministry, Ref. No. Tai She (four) 1000090294 of 2 June 2011, Ref. No. Tai She (four) 1000075742 of 12 May 2011, Ref. No. Tai She (four) 1000070513 of 9 May 2011, and Ref. No. Tai She (four) 1010015216A of 7 March 2012, all censured the Foundation for the LED sign displayed on the outer wall of its high-rise office building.

The Chairman of the Foundation had briefed in person the officials of the Department of Social Education of the Ministry on 5 May. In addition, the person in charge of this issue also explained over the phone to Mr. Zhan, the administrator who handled this matter. Lastly, the Foundation submitted its reply letter, Ref. no. (100) TEEF 100010 on 16 June, 2011 to Taipei Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs and copied to the Ministry. The reply letter stated the fact that “the LED sign displayed on the outer wall of the office building near Yuan Shan MRT station does not belong to nor was put up by the Foundation.”

Why did the Ministry send another letter to inquire on this matter anew? Why does the Ministry waste its time and resources on accusing the wrong party and sending pointless letters instead of focusing on worthwhile duties?

5. The Ministry made the following statements in all letters: “The Foundation should clarify its role and functions, and its activities should be strictly in compliance with the law. Any attack on the reputation of any individuals or organizations should be avoided, so as not to infringe on others’ rights. When carrying out promotional activities, the Foundation should abide by the guidance detailed in the relevant official letters from this Ministry, educate the public yet respect religious freedom, and take caution in publishing these materials that might offend citizens and make school children feel uncomfortable.”
The Foundation hereby provides its replies:
1. All the Foundation’s efforts are to promote social welfare and education as well as to enhance people’s understanding of Buddhism and philosophy. It has not acted in any way inconsistent to its mission statement, nor has it violated any laws and regulations.

The Foundation has attained remarkable achievements in its academic research of the inner insight philosophy and the fundamental tenets of Tibetan “Buddhism.” Because of its profound understanding of the essence of Tibetan “Buddhism,” the Foundation has been trying to protect the public from being deceived by this fake Buddhism and expose the lustful nature of its doctrines.
The Foundation aims at educating the general public to recognize the fact that Tibetan “Buddhism” is counterfeit Buddhism and an evil cult, as well as protecting the ill-informed public from being sexually assaulted by lamas who would beguile or force females into practicing the sexual Tantra. Moreover, the Foundation has been trying to prevent Taiwanese men from being cuckolded unknowingly and women from suffering emotional distress after being sexually abused by lamas.

The Foundation’s focus is to assist the law enforcement agencies and the Ministry to create a social environment that is conducive to harmonious family lives and proper personality development for our younger generation. The Foundation has been very thoughtful in its actions.

In order to make the public fully aware of the fact that Tibetan “Buddhism” is fake Buddhism, and that lamas are not Buddhist monks, so that the public will be vigilant toward Tibetan “Buddhism” and will cautiously review all the obscene doctrines propagated by lamas, the Foundation has provided dozens of documents for the Ministry to verify.

The following is an excerpt from one of the records:
In the latter stage of the third empowerment, which is transmitted to enable the disciple to expound the sutras, the teacher and the nine female consorts, aged from 12 to 20, attain the state all together. [ Namely, the lama teacher, the so-called “living Buddha,” needs to copulate with all nine sexual partners one by one; those sexual partners are called female consorts, aged from 12 to 20. They achieve the orgasm of the fourth joy all together and contemplate the Union of Bliss and Emptiness; then, the lama teacher ejaculates the semen into the vagina of each female consort and collects all the fluid mixtures in a skull cup.] The vajra [Tibetan Buddhism names this sexual fluid vajra bodhicitta, a term stolen from Buddhism.] which possesses the seeds [The red and white bodhi, which is the sexual fluid mixture obtained from the guru and the nine female consorts, contains the seeds of both sexes] is put into the mouth of his disciple; the empowerment is thus performed. In the former stage of the third empowerment, the teacher and a female consort [In the former stage of the third empowerment the lama has sex with one female consort.] receive the wondrous joy together; then, in the latter stage, the teacher attains the state together with the nine female consorts. [“The state” refers to the state of sexual orgasm.] The wondrous joys arise from all of them. [Namely, the lama has sex with each of the nine female consorts one by one and ejaculates semen; the mixture of the semen and the sexual fluids obtained from the nine female consorts is called nectar, which is used for the empowerment of the disciples.] (Tsongkhapa, The Great Exposition of Tantras)

The above citation evidences that Tibetan pseudo-Buddhism operates under the guise of Buddhism and violates proper social ethics and morals as well as the civil and criminal laws of Taiwan. Its doctrines and practices do not meet the criteria to be protected by the freedom of religion provision under the constitution of Taiwan.

Furthermore, the so-called exoteric Buddhist practice and realization taught in The Great Exposition of Tantrasof Tibetan “Buddhism” is to realize the conscious mind advocated by the non-Buddhists with eternalism, instead of the eighth vijnana, Tathagatagarbha, described in the Buddhist sutras. This indicates clearly that Tibetan “Buddhism” is a counterfeit Buddhism in essence. The spread of Tibetan “Buddhism” has seriously misguided eminent Buddhist masters and vast majority of Buddhist followers. The fact that it has been propagating the doctrines of eternalism in the name of Buddhism has essentially exploited and undermined Buddhism.

In the future, any counterfeiting of Christianity, Taoism, etc. shall also be regarded as religious fraud and unjust deed to deceive the general public. Such wrongdoings are subject to exposure to prevent the public from falling prey to the counterfeit religion. This is also the social education that must be done and has been done by the Foundation; it would run counter to its mission statement had it failed to act.

Through a comprehensive survey of its doctrines and practices, the Foundation can conclude that Tibetan “Buddhism” has always counterfeited other religions since its inception. Its doctrines and practices have nothing to do with Buddhism at all. Thus, it has acted against the law from the very start.

On top of that, Tibetan Buddhist doctrines openly encourage lamas and adherents to commit incest and to sexually assault young girls. This not only traumatizes the children and youngsters but also violates the Youth Welfare Law.

The Foundation has taken up social responsibility and made every effort to expose its crimes. By doing so, the Foundation shares the responsibility of educating the society with the Ministry. Specifically, the Foundation has been trying to educate the public about the true meaning of the terminology of this fake “Buddhism,” such as the “Couple-Practice,” “Vajra,” “Water-Empowerment” and “Vase-Empowerment,” so that people can prevent their family members from practicing the “Couple Practice Tantra,” accepting “seminal fluid” from the guru’s “Vajra-penis,” or becoming a “vase” for compulsory “ Cleaning Empowerment.”

The Ministry bears responsibility of enhancing social traditions and cultures. The Foundation has been supporting the Ministry by educating the public and protecting the Ministry from possible reproach in the future by the mass media for inadequate involvement in its duty. While such supporting work ought to be encouraged by the Ministry, how is it that the Ministry would run counter to its own mandate and request the Foundation to discontinue its highly virtuous efforts?

2. As an educational foundation, the Foundation is obligated to cultivate the general public’s democratic consciousness and educate them on the correct concepts of law and order. To prevent the general public from further deception by Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and to protect Taiwan, our precious homeland, from the degradation of sexual misconduct, incest, sexual abuse of children and the destruction of families, the Foundation must make it known to the innocent public that under the guise of orthodox Buddhism, lamas don monastic robes and engage in illicit and adulterous sexual practices. Tibetan Tantric Buddhism deceives the public by claiming that the Tantric sexual practice is the highest dharma which can enable practitioners to attain Buddhahood in this lifetime, while in fact such practice has nothing to do with the Buddha dharma. The Foundation has been assisting the Ministry in social education by promoting patriotism and care for our native land, as well as enhancing the general public’s knowledge and critical thinking skills.

The Ministry is the highest educational authority of Taiwan and therefore ought to be aware of the extent of social devastation that was brought about by this adulterous evil cult promoting promiscuous sex with other people’s wives and daughters during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties of China. For instance, the History of the Yuan Dynasty documented numerous accounts of how this evil cult had ruthlessly oppressed the lives of commoners and brought about the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty.

Let’s take a look at one such account from the History of Yuan Dynasty:
To please Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty, Ha Ma, a foreign monk who was the Secretary of Xuan Zheng Yuan, introduced a western barbarian monk to entice the Emperor into engaging in the secretive Tantric sex practice. Due to this, Ha Ma’s brother-in-law came into favor with the Emperor and after that, the royal court became a place where the Emperor indulged in lascivious sexual acts all day long together with his ministers and courtiers. This still did not satiate Emperor Shun and he even engaged in family group sex, sleeping naked and under one cover with family members and others. Many women were brought into the royal court for sexual entertainment.
Historians of all periods agree that the lustful, adulterous doctrine of Lamaism was one of the primary causes of the downfall of the Yuan Dynasty.
Nurhachi, the founding father of the Qing Dynasty once stated, “You Mongolian lords, you abandoned your language and titles, adopted the practices of lamas, and, in the end, brought your country to demise.” Hong Taiji, the first emperor of the Qing Dynasty said: “Lamas speak deceitful words. Under the guise of making offerings to the Buddha and keeping Buddhist precepts, they secretively indulge in wicked and lascivious acts, greedily hoarding possessions, engaged in treason and committed crimes.

The Ministry should be familiar with these historical facts, and therefore should promptly take the initiative to demand relevant departments to rectify this issue through social education in order to prevent further depravation of Taiwanese society due to the propagation of this counterfeit Buddhism. However, the Ministry not only has not taken actions to push forward this kind of education to protect the general public and safeguard social customs and decency, rather, the Ministry has acted on the wrong side of justice and repeatedly obstruct the Foundation’s righteous efforts. It is indeed inappropriate!

3. The pamphlets distributed by the Foundation’s volunteers have been reviewed by a number of legal consultants prior to their release. They do not contain any contents in violation of laws and regulations and are protected by the freedom of speech provision of the constitution of R.O.C. The Foundation finds it difficult to understand why the Ministry has not comprehended the facts and chooses to believe the vilifier’s dubious charges against the Foundation. The Ministry has accused the Foundation without even specifying which particular clause of the law or regulation the Foundation has violated. The Foundation hereby cordially requests the Ministry to clearly specify the clause of the law the Foundation is violating. The Foundation hereby resubmits its open rebuttal to Tibetan Buddhism’s slandering attack against the Foundation (Attachment 4) for your respectful attention, such that the judgment of the Ministry shall not be clouded by fabricated public opinion submitted by a few foreigners.

4. The Ministry has repeatedly requested the Foundation “any attack on the reputation of individuals or organizations should be avoided, so as not to infringe upon the rights of others.” However, there is a Western ideology expressed by the philosopher Sir Francis Bacon, “Correct knowledge is power.” The Foundation has merely brought to light testimonies of illicit sexual acts with other people’s wives and daughters committed by Tibetan Tantric lamas, who claim that this is Buddhist practice. These are pure facts with no exaggeration. The Foundation’s intention is to help the public clearly recognize that Tibetan “Buddhism” is a wicked cult so that people will know to protect themselves and their family members. Behind the beautiful lies of “Highest Yoga Tantra” and “attaining Buddhahood in a lifetime” in Tibetan Tantrism, are the hidden secrets of the sexual tantra practice, the devastating results of which are young girls losing their chastity, families being broken, and children growing up unprotected by parents. The Foundation is simply disclosing the truth to educate the public. This act has nothing to do with “attacking” or “infringing upon the rights of others.” On the contrary, the Foundation is trying to protect the rights of others and to safeguard the integrity of women and families in Taiwan.

Whatever stated in the Ministry’s official documents should be regarded as legitimate. Irrational, illegitimate statements would not be issued by a Ministry of Education because contemporary social critics and future historians inevitably will make public evaluations of them. If the act of revealing the truth and speaking out to uphold justice is equivalent to “attacking,” and equal to “infringing upon the rights of others,” in like manner, if we used the Ministry’s logic, both the Ministry and Department of Health of the Executive Yuan would be infringing upon the rights and attacking all tobacco companies, and this situation should be rectified as well. The Department of Health of the Executive Yuan, as in many countries around the world, requires warning signs on cigarette packages in order to guard their national public health. (Attachment 5)

If we applied the logic laid out in the Ministry’s letter, would it not be true that the Executive Yuan of Taiwan and the government of every country in the world have “attacked” the reputation of tobacco companies including the Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation (hereinafter referred to as TTL)? Have the rights and privileges of the tobacco companies and the TTL been “infringed” upon and “undermined”? The textbooks of health and physical education for primary and elementary schools, being publications subject to the Ministry’s approval, earnestly educate about the harmful effect of smoking, with wording such as “Cigarettes: they are selling you a pack of lies,” “Say No to smoking,” and “Say No to passive smoking.” Have the Ministry and the authorized publishers jointly “attacked” the reputation of the tobacco companies and the TTL, as well as “infringed” upon and “undermined” their rights and privileges respectively?

Moreover, have all the teachers in Taiwan who are under the authority of the Ministry and obey the decrees from the Ministry also colluded with the Ministry in “attacking” the reputation of and “infringing” on the rights and privileges of the tobacco companies, the TTLC, and all tobacco dealers and beneficiaries of the tobacco industry? Or, does the Ministry simply object to the right of the public to know the truth? In light of the fact that Tibetan fake Buddhism counterfeits orthodox Buddhism, defrauds believers, beguiles female followers into sexual misconduct, undermines family lives and results in adolescents and children suffering - would the Ministry please elucidate per se which ordinance the Foundation has breached by righteously exposing the truth and protecting our society?

6. The Foundation has totally disregarded its own image and interests in trying to protect the rights and well-being of the public and preserve social justice. The Foundation is not afraid of the Tibetan Tantric calumniators who are hiding in the dark. They are incapable of even confronting the questions raised by the Foundation regarding their evil doctrines and sexual misconduct, let alone apply the doctrines of Tibetan “Buddhism” to defend themselves in writing at the academic and philosophical levels. Such false accusers dare not confront the Foundation with regular legal recourse. Rather, they employ a shameless, contemptible old trick of falsely accusing the Foundation of being in liaison with China to defame the Foundation and its affiliated individuals.

Meanwhile, using contrived public opinion, they constantly pressure the central and local administrative authorities to suppress the work of the Foundation, wasting the resources and manpower of the national executive and judicial branches. They have also spread slandering attacks via the internet, hurting the Foundation’s reputation and undermining its practitioners and volunteers’ rights and interests. This is exactly the case of the guilty suing the innocent! The Foundation sincerely hopes that the Ministry will have the wisdom to not believe this slander any more. Based on the information provided by the Ministry, the Foundation will immediately take legal actions against such fraudulent organizations to ensure the public is justly informed of the truth.

In its letter of Ref. No. Tai She (four) 0990221507, the Ministry adopts the unfounded, false accusations composed by the calumniators, suggesting that the Ministry endorses these accusations. The Foundation herein cordially inquires whether or not the Ministry is deliberately supporting this evil cult? The letter states: “It is inappropriate for a religion to remark on other religion’s doctrines, rituals … as well as to make generalization and engage in name-calling, so as to avoid defamation. It is inappropriate to interfere with another religion while promoting one’s own religion.…” These statements are entirely incongruent with the facts and lack impartiality and justice. In fact, the Foundation clearly points out to the public about the tenets of an evil cult that seriously violate the laws and social norms of this country.

It is ludicrous that the Ministry has turned a blind eye to this issue and made accusations against the Foundation instead. In addition, the Ministry convened a meeting on 10 February entitled, “Discussion on the actions of the Foundation of spreading unfavorable information about Tibetan Buddhism through the mass media and the measures that will be taken by the Ministry.” The very title of this meeting has vilified the Foundation’s open and honorable activities of social education as “actions of spreading unfavorable information about Tibetan Buddhism.”

On top of that, the Ministry did not notify the Foundation thus depriving the Foundation of the opportunity to provide explanation for its work, nor did the Ministry voluntarily inform the Foundation about the meeting’s contents beforehand or afterward. However, in a one-sided move, the Taiwan Tibetan Welfare Association, the very organization that has defamed the Foundation, was well informed by the Ministry. May the Foundation request the Ministry to provide answers to the following questions: Does the Ministry support the propagation of the evil cult that the Taiwan Tibetan Welfare Association supports? Has the Ministry acted in compliance with the administrative protocol and the mandate of the Ministry?

7. The Foundation has acted in accordance with its founding mission of social education and in compliance with Article 10, paragraph 6 of the Additional Revised Articles of the Constitution, which states: “To safeguard females’ dignity, ensure females’ personal security, eliminate gender discrimination, and promote substantive gender equality.”

The Foundation therefore is dedicated to preventing female members of our society from becoming sex slaves of lamas out of ignorance and revealing that the mysterious phenomena of Tibetan “Buddhism” is nothing but a perennial fraud, such that Tibetan “Buddhism” can no longer hide its clandestine female-degrading and adulterous doctrines from the public.

The Foundation is indeed the guardian and practitioner of social justice and morals: the Foundation upholds morality, safeguards the right values, reforms the erroneous understanding of Lamaism, advocates a harmonious society, provides social educational through all its volunteers, as well as expands and revamps social education in ways that the Ministry and other relevant governmental agencies should have already implemented. The Ministry should have highly commended such efforts instead of suppressing them.

Moreover, in addition to promoting social education, the Foundation also devotes itself to various philanthropic works and supports the policies of the Ministry. For instance, the Foundation and its affiliated organizations immediately responded to the Ministry’s call for disaster-relief fundraising in 2009, right after the devastating Morakot Typhoon, and donated directly to the Ministry NT$7,025,000 in August that year for the reconstruction of the typhoon-stricken schools.

According to the public announcement issued by the Department of General Affairs of the Ministry, the Foundation was the top donor (with the second donor donated three million NT dollars) and was subsequently rewarded with a Silver Award for group contribution by the Ministry in December that year.

In July, 2011, the Foundation supported the Ministry’s policy of “Everyone works hand-in-hand: Leave no children out of schools” by making another donation of NT$ 500,000.

The Foundation’s other charitable deeds, include a donation of more than NT$300,000 annually as the grant-in-aid to all the elementary and middle schools of Daxi Township which are too many to be listed here.

While the Ministry has never commended the Foundation for its achievement in charitable work, the Ministry has offered substantial support to an evil cult that cloaks itself in another religion, condones sexual misconduct, beguiles female adherents and rapes them. For the followers of Tibetan “Buddhism,” the results are broken families, and children growing up unprotected by parents. As the Ministry informed the Foundation by mail the prohibition against educating the public about the truth, evidently, the Ministry intends to suppress the righteous works of the Foundation because it believes the fabricated public opinion of an organization which promotes social indecency. Is it an appropriate deed for a Ministry that shoulders the responsibility of public education?

8. The “Taiwan Tibetan Welfare Association,” the “Taiwan Friends of Tibet organization,” and the “Tibet Religious Foundation of H. H. the Dalai Lama” have brought up fallacious accusations against the Foundation by deliberately twisting and making out-of-context interpretations of the Foundation’s writings. Such charges were made with the intention to support an evil cult (Attachment 6: the pamphlet of “Exposing the series of lies made by the spokesman of the Tibet Religious Foundation of H. H. the Dalai Lama”). They do not represent the voice of all fellow Tibetans, and more so, not of all ethnic Tibetans.

The Foundation has never discriminated against nor humiliated the Tibetan people or the Tibetan ethnic group. It has conducted in-depth research on Tibetan culture. Based on this, the Foundation has published dozens of various titles, and millions of books have been distributed, reaching as far as Europe and America. The Foundation regards the Tibetan region, its people, as well as our Tibetan friends with deep respect and geniality. As well, the Foundation rejoices in the abolishment of feudal serfdom established by Lamaism - the abolishment of which allowed Tibet to develop its economy, and allowed the people their independence and control over their own destiny. How could anyone possibly accuse the Foundation of discriminating against or humiliating Tibetans?

The Foundation has also conducted in-depth research into the doctrines of Tibetan “Buddhism,” which has been employed to enslave the Tibetan people for hundreds of years. With its research findings, the Foundation would like to remind the public that Tibetan “Buddhism” is not Buddhism, it deceives people that practitioners can attain Buddhahood in one lifetime through practicing their sexual Tantra, and this illicit, adulterous evil cult should be avoided. The Foundation has acted out of sympathy toward the Tibetan people and found it fortunate that they will no longer be deceived by lamas who practice this counterfeit Buddhism. For the sake of the Tibetans as well as the Taiwanese women and families, the Foundation has no choice but to courageously step out and expose how this counterfeit Buddhism has preyed upon people for over a thousand years.

Moreover, the Foundation’s many queries regarding Tibetan Buddhism’s adulterous doctrines do not fall within the scope of paragraph 1, Article 62 of the Immigration Act. On the contrary, those who have accused the Foundation with fabricated materials have indeed violated paragraph 1, Article 62 of the Immigration Act and therefore deserve to be denounced by the Ministry. Instead of going after the guilty, how could the Ministry turn around and accuse the innocent?

Furthermore, rather than what the Ministry’s informant has suggested, all the Foundation’s statements are indisputable facts, not fabrications. On what grounds could the Ministry suspect the Foundation of “slandering”?

In like manner, using the Ministry’s logic, if the Ministry were to reveal the truth about the evildoers based on indisputable facts, would this then constitute “slandering” by the Ministry?

Along the same line, based on the contents of the Ministry approved health and physical education textbooks for middle and elementary school students, would the Ministry have committed “slandering” toward the many tobacco companies and TTL? Has the Ministry “spread unfavorable messages against the tobacco industry and companies using public education as a medium”? Should the Ministry be suspected of accusing the Executive Yuan of “spreading unfavorable messages against the tobacco industry and companies using public mass media as a medium”?

For instance, the middle school textbook Middle School Health and Physical Education 1st Semester 2nd Yearpublished by Kang Hsuan Educational Group, a publisher approved by the Ministry, contains passages that educate students to “discourage families and friends from smoking as well as request the smokers to leave public area.” Given this wording, has the Ministry not “repeatedly spread messages that slander, humiliate and discriminate against all smokers”?

And since it was the members of the Legislative Yuan who passed the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act, should the Ministry not be suspected of accusing members of the Legislative Yuan of “abusing their legislative authorities to discriminate against and humiliate smokers”?

For the aforementioned reasons, the Foundation finds it unacceptable that the Ministry is requesting the Foundation to make amends for its impropriety before carrying out proper investigation to verify the facts. There is simply no impropriety to be amended. In fact, the Foundation’s righteous efforts deserve the Ministry’s commendation. It is the Ministry that has been wrongfully accusing the innocent.

9. The freedom of religion guaranteed in the Constitution does not include the freedom for evil cults such as Tibetan Tantrism to violate social ethics and decency, undermine public welfare and social order, counterfeit another religion, erode family integrity, or propagate the practice of incestuous or promiscuous group sex. Supervisors of the Ministry are neither ignorant nor ill-informed and therefore should be well aware of both the spirit as well as the limitations of the freedom of religion provision.

The Ministry has repeatedly accused the Foundation of distributing pamphlets with obscene, repulsive, and indecent content. However, the source of this content is Tibetan “Buddhism” itself, which regards this material not as vulgar but as extremely refined material concerning the attainment of Buddhahood. Why is the Ministry covering up for Tibetan “Buddhism” and deems these materials as indecent in order to suppress the Foundation from educating the public? Materials distributed by the Foundation have never violated any laws and regulations, and hitherto no law enforcement agencies who have received a copy of our materials has banned the distribution based on violation of criminal laws or social order.

As a matter of fact, the Foundation has given much thought when it comes to the distribution of these pamphlets! Just like the warning texts and graphic pictures displayed on various countries’ cigarette packages to make people feel uncomfortable and remind them of the health consequence of cigarette smoking (Attachment 5); likewise, out of compassion, the Foundation is exposing Tibetan fake Buddhism’s sexual Tantra practices, which undermine social ethics and morals and family integrity. While it has received much applause and praises from the public for its efforts, the Foundation received letters from the Ministry which advised it “to avoid offending the general public and making school children feel uncomfortable.”

By the same token, wouldn’t the Executive Yuan and governments all over the world also be offending their citizens and making school children uncomfortable by displaying displeasing warning signs on cigarette packages as well as posters at various public and educational institutions to prevent and control tobacco hazards?

As for the sign “To avoid religious sexual abuse, please stay away from Tibetan lamas” displayed on the outer wall of the Foundation’s building, Professor Ma Yu-Feng at St. John's University has conducted an academic research about the perception of it through questionnaires. The Foundation hereby submits the result of this commissioned survey to the Ministry (Attachment 7: Analysis of the questionnaires on the “Opinions and Views of the Social Education Campaign Displayed by the Foundation on the Outer Walls of its Building”). 

The result of the analysis indicates that these signs have remarkable effect on social education as most of the public - including middle and high school students active in the vicinity of Yuan Shan MRT station - agree that these signs have positive reminding effect. This academic and scientific investigation clarifies and confirms that the opinion and effect of the signs contradict with what is stated in the letters received from the Ministry.

Moreover, the Foundation has received numerous letters and phone-calls, commending the Foundation for its righteous efforts, from people who have read the pamphlets or seen our campaigns on newspapers. Many people have also wasted no time to spread the truth about the obscene essence of Tibetan “Buddhism” after they learned about it. Our efforts indeed have taught the Taiwanese people how to protect themselves and their families from this evil cult and avoid the consequence of broken families and social distress.

The Foundation has indeed earned the trust of the general public. For instance, Mr. Gao Feng-shien, a member of The Control Yuan, who successfully initiated the legislation for prevention of acts of violence, invited the Foundation to participate in a consultation meeting on the subject of religious sexual assaults on 19 January, 2012 (see the Foundation’s website http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/headline/13).

Also, on 14 November, 2011, the Liberty Times published an article entitled “Shen Lun’s Alleged Sex Scandal, Bhiksuni Suspected of Match-making” in section B1 and quoted the Foundation’s accusations against Tibetan “Buddhism”:
Zhang Kongpu, CEO of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation, a local organization that has been criticizing Tibetan Buddhism, remarks that Tibetan Buddhism claims it is ‘cultivating the Buddha dharma,’ while in fact it promotes ‘religious sexual abuse of other people’s wives and daughters.’ Tibetan lamas actually commit religious sexual abuse and severely violate the basic Buddhist precept of ‘no illicit sex.’

In addition, a reporter from TTV station’s Hot Line program invited the Foundation’s experts on Tibetan “Buddhism” to discuss on air the truth about human bone rosary used in Tibetan Buddhism. This program was broadcast on 7 November, 2011.

These incidents all demonstrate that most good-hearted people do agree with the Foundation’s accusations of Tibetan “Buddhism”: its practice is essentially that lamas engage in sexual activity with their female followers! To practice according to The Great Tantra is to secretly prepare for future group sex, according to the tantra.

Anyone with common sense praises the Foundation’s righteous and courageous efforts in exposing the truth. Meanwhile, a very small number of members of Tibetan Tantric centers and their affiliated associations as well as groups that propagate the “Great Tantra” have been encouraging their followers to file fabricated accusations, under the guise of civilians, against the Foundation to the Ministry, the Control Yuan and other administrative authorities. This is motivated by the loss of money offerings they received from the general public after the followers realized the truth about their practice and stay away from Tibetan lamas. Even so, they dare not to openly request a judicial investigation against the Foundation.

The Foundation sincerely hopes that the Ministry will not to be manipulated by such an underhanded group of people to suppress the Foundation’s honorable efforts in protecting Taiwanese citizens and preserving Taiwan’s social ethics and decency.

10. First and foremost, counterfeiting any religion is unacceptable, regardless of the target being Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism, or Islam. Second, Tibetan “Buddhism” has flagrantly counterfeited Buddhism, has debauched Buddhist monks and believers and, as well, has severely damaged our society’s morals and traditions. Third, Tibetan “Buddhism” has used its promiscuous doctrines to lure and sexually abuse Taiwanese women. That such cases have been exposed almost every year is an indisputable fact, and conceivably, there are countless undisclosed cases that have not surfaced because the victims were threatened into silence. Given the three facts presented above, why the Ministry - a Ministry that is supposed to shoulder the responsibility of social education - has so far turned a blind eye to this evil cult? Why the Ministry has continued to support this evil cult? Has the Ministry been obliged to do so out of unspeakable reasons? The Foundation finds this deeply puzzling!

The Foundation has complied with its existing contribution rules and also strictly abided by the laws. As the Foundation was established with the mission to devote itself toward reciprocating society with its resources, it has been arduously promoting social education and philanthropic work. Its actions are all in accordance with its mission, which is to promote various aspects of social education, protect female members of our society, safeguarding social traditions and morals, respecting fundamental human rights, ensuring wholesome development of children and youngsters of Taiwan’s families, as well as increasing understanding and care toward various ethnic groups, genders, religions, and cultures in Taiwan.

Out of devotion and passion to Taiwan, the Foundation sincerely proposes that the Ministry set up a special commission that educates the public on how to identify evil cults through organizing competitions and activities modeled on the anti-smoking campaign sponsored by the Department of Health of the Executive Yuan (http://health99.doh.gov.tw/educZone/edu_detail.aspx? Catid=30453&Type=003&kind=Sub). The Ministry should also commend and honor organizations that have been diligently involved in educating public against evil cults. It should petition the Legislative Yuan for legislating to prohibit Tibetan Tantric Buddhism from propagating its adulterous doctrines and corrupting the minds of our children and young people to create a cult-free society for the benefit of the spiritual health of Taiwanese people. It should help to enhance Taiwanese people’s moral standard so as to prevent them from being seduced and depraved by Tibetan counterfeit Buddhism, as well as create an environment conducive to the growth of our future generations. Last but not least, the Foundation cordially requests the Ministry to decree the inclusion into the curriculum of middle and elementary schools methods of recognizing evil cults and religions, so as to illuminate the truth and uphold justice. That will truly be a blessing for Taiwan.

11. Administrator Zhan of the Ministry verbally questioned “if the Foundation’s activities do not pertain to religion, why then did the Foundation also correspond in writing with Taipei City Bureau of Civil Affairs?” The Foundation hereby provides its brief explanation: Tibetan counterfeit Buddhism has brought false accusations against the Foundation to the Taipei City Bureau of Civil Affairs, and the Bureau has duly addressed the issue to the Foundation multiple times. Consequently, the Foundation has to concurrently communicate in writing with both the Ministry and the Taipei City Bureau of Civil Affairs regarding this issue.

In addition, the evil doctrines and the religion-counterfeiting practice of Tibetan “Buddhism” not only bring about sexual abuse, but also violate the social customs and traditions, which fall under the jurisdiction of Bureau of Civil Affairs. It is therefore the responsibility of local Bureaus of Civil Affairs to determine whether or not relevant governmental agencies should be notified to rectify the issue and outlaw the offenders. Consequently, the Foundation should copy all materials to Taipei City Bureau of Civil Affairs. The Ministry should not have found our action surprising.

12. The Foundation has informed the Ministry on 27 July, 2009 of letter Ref. no.: (98) TEEF 009 that the serving term of its Board of Directors had expired and has submitted to the Ministry the result of the reelection. However, the Foundation has not received an approval letter up to now. The serving term of the Foundation’s current Board of Directors will expire in a few months. Would the Ministry please provide us with an approval letter at your earliest convenience so that the Foundation can lawfully register the change in accordance with the proceedings. Should the Ministry continue to hold off the issuance of the approval, the Ministry shall bear full responsibility for future legal disputes regarding this matter.

Original: Ministry of Education
c.c.: President Ma, Vice President Hsiao, Presidential Office, Secretary-General Tseng, Mr. King; Executive Yuan, Premier Chen, Vice Premier Jiang, Department of Health, Minister Chiu, Deputy Minister Lin, Deputy Minister Hsiao, Deputy Minister Lai, Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Minister Chu and all commissioners; Legislative Yuan, President Wang, Vice President Hung, and all legislators; Control Yuan, President Wang, Vice President Chen and all members; Judicial Yuan; Ministry of Education, Minister Chiang, Vice Minister Lin, Vice Minister Chen, Vice Minister Wu and related departments, etc.; Ministry of the Interior and related Departments, etc.; All R.O.C. Municipalities, Mayors, Deputy Mayors, Secretary Generals, etc., Department of Education, Bureaus of Civil Affairs, Directors, Deputies, etc.; All R.O.C. City Councils, Speakers, Deputy Speakers, Senators, etc.; Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation; All R.O.C. Municipal Police Departments and their precincts, Directors, Commissioners, etc.; Ministry of the Interior, Architecture and Building Research Institute (ABRI) Director General Dr. Ho, Deputy Director General, and Mr. Chen Chuen-Tzu, Head of Accounting Office (a copy was sent to him after he called the Foundation during office hours to voice his support for Tibetan Buddhism and protest against the Foundation’s work).

Zhang Gongpu

(1) Criminal case file
(2) Notification from the Criminal Division of Taipei District Court, Taiwan
(3) Replies to the defamatory articles “Tibetans’ refutation on Pings Xiao’s slandering attack on Tibetan Buddhism” 1~5
(4) The True Enlightenment Education Foundation’s open rebuttal to Tibetan Buddhism’s slandering attack against the Foundation
(5) Ten pages of health warning texts and graphic pictures on cigarette packages of different countries
(6) A pamphlet of “Exposing the Series of Lies Made by Spokesman of the Tibet Religious Foundation of H.H. the Dalai Lama”
(7) Analysis of questionnaires on the “Opinions and Views of the Social Education Campaign Displayed by the Foundation on the Outer Walls of Its Building”

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