
2011年12月22日 星期四

Lamas Commonly Indulge in Sexual Desires; Their Excuse is a Blatant Lie

Published:2011/12/22    08:07
(By Yuyue Lin of the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei)"Cowboy" Lama Naimai Rinpoche was caught for buying sex as reported in full details by many newspapers and TV channels earlier. Recently, internet media even made more follow-up interviews on this incident and has drawn wide attention from the public. According to the investigation of media reporters, Naimai Rinpoche lived on the seventh floor of a building on Linsen North Road in Taipei City. His apartment also served as a “Buddha” hall with no signs posted. Neighbors nearby were not at all surprised with the rinpoche being caught for buying sex when police conducted a spot check. They said that it was a “common sight.” Neighbors have often seen Naimai Rinpoche come home with female companions, which has left them with bad impressions.

As reporters described, Naimai Rinpoche, who often speciously preached “Buddha dharmas” in front of his followers, dressed in monk’s robe, holding the vajra bell and giving guidance to followers about how to practice self-cultivation according to the Buddha dharma, has in fact violated the gravest monastic precept: sexual abstinence. Moreover, he used the money donated by his followers to buy sex. His behavior has constituted an act of complete crime: the motive, an actual deed and consequence. A TV reporter went to Naimai Rinpoche's apartment for an in-depth interview and recorded the following dialogue:
Residents in the building: "He just came here to swindle people."
Reporter: "A swindler?"
Residents in the building: "Yeah, to coax women into sexual intercourse, plain and simple.”
And then added: "A common sight! A common sight! Exactly that, got it?"
Just as Zhang Gongpu, CEO of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation, has predicted, the initial step Tibetan “Buddhism” took from their already established procedure is to deny the whole issue to evade public pressure. The police found that Naimai Rinpoche holds a resident permit in Taiwan. His residence is registered as in a Buddhist Institute in Taipei City, where he regularly preaches the "Buddhist sutras" to his followers. His resident permit will expire in mid-August this year. However, someone on behalf of this Buddhist Institute had denied the existence of such a rinpoche and claimed that it must have been another person with the same name. Tibetan Buddhists have set up numerous "Buddhist Institutes" throughout Taiwan. These institutes felt ashamed and had to talk incoherently to deny any of their links with this lama in trouble. If “there is no existence of such a rinpoche," why would they claim that “it is another person with the same name"? This is indeed "the typical lama’s version" of "a blatant lie."
In fact, this Naimai Rinpoche is not any unknown little lama, but is believed to be a grand living “Buddha” of an impressive background. He is also a fully qualified abbot of a monastery. He has been very active in "dharma preaching" in Taiwan, not only presiding over seminars everywhere to publicize the "Dharma Lineage of Lotus Born," but also accepting learners as his disciples. He is honored as the "noble guru" and "mentor of the Buddhist Institute." He even sells his mantra-CD on the internet. A real "supreme venerable" and socially slick lama!
Reference material shows that Naimai Rinpoche (a foreign lama named Naimai and entitled Rinpoche in Taiwan, who has been a mentor and preacher at Dzogchen Buddhist Institute, and it cannot be someone else) was born in 1973 in Xikang Province, China. He was certified by Dzogchen Pema Kalsang Rinpoche as the embodiment of Khenchen Noyang Rinpoche--Nu Chen Sangjie Yeshe (one of the twenty-five great disciples who had attained enlightenment under the Lotus Born) in his previous life. Over the years, Naimai Rinpoche had been trained to become the great Khenpo (abbot) at Dzogchen Monastery, the most prominent temple in Tibet. He began his study at the age of 8 and became a novice lama in Dzogchen Monastery at the age of 11. Between the age of 15 and 26, he studied at Shira Shing Scripture College established by Dzogchen Monastery in 1848. In this institute, he studied all dharmas of Exoteric Buddhism and Tibetan “Buddhism” as well as the five major and minor Treatises of Tibetan Buddhist Doctrine. He was trained under guidance of more than 50 Khenpos and Rinpoches with great achievements. He also participated in rite and retreat activities, practiced Nadis (channels) and studied the core essence of Great Perfection. He then graduated with the highest honor from this College. Naimai Rinpoche has nearly one thousand disciples. Being the chief Khempo of the Dzogchen Shira Shing Scripture College, he even served as the mentor of the Dzogchen Buddhist Institute in Taiwan, which is sponsored by Dzogchen Monastery, one of the six great monasteries of Nyingma tradition of Tibetan "Buddhism."
Regarding the “Dzogchen Monastery,” Gongpu Zhang, CEO of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation, reminds the readers that the public may still have some recollection of a full swing campaign run by the Foundation on the issue of protecting Taiwan women in the newspapers at the beginning of this year. The Foundation denounced that Linla Rinpoche, who sexually assaulted a nun in 2006, belongs to the monastery mentioned above. Naimai Rinpoche, who had sex with a prostitute, also came from the same monastery, and graduated from the same Buddhist Institute. Both of them are fellow members of the same school, and hold the title of reincarnated living “Buddha” as well as the identity of an Abbot Khenpo. They are even regarded as the “great lamas” of Dzogchen Monastery, which belongs to the Nyingma sect. Their code of practice is in accord with the provisions of “The Six Yogas of Naropa,” which was introduced to Tibet and taught by their immoral patriarchs, Naropa and Padmasambhava. In these provisions, the criterion for selecting copulating partners, the so-called “female consorts” or “Dakinis,” is not based on beauty, but only on the female genitals, that is, whether the female genitals will enable the lamas to attain sexual pleasure during the copulation practice. Therefore, all the lamas are “required to travel around the world to search for ‘distinctive’ women; the qualified female consorts must possess distinctive sexual power.” (The Six Yogas of Naropa, narrated by Blo-Bzan-Grags-Pa Zam Lam, recorded by Lu Yizhao, first edition, Morning Sunshine Culture Press, Aug. 1994, pp. 205-206). Hence, when Naimai Rinpoche claimed his innocence by saying that he is simply “studying the local customs of Taiwan," he was actually trying to look for “women with distinctive sexual power.” Their words and deeds are not surprising to us at all as it totally complies with the provisions of Tibetan “Buddhism.”
As for the issue of “violating the monastic precepts,” the CEO believes that the sin of illicit sex does not exist within Tibetan “Buddhism” because they have developed their own “samaya precepts” besides the precepts of orthodox Buddhism in order to practice the copulation tantra. They believe that “samaya precepts” surpass all Buddhist precepts. Tibetan Tantric samaya precepts even require the practitioners to practice the copulation practice with female followers frequently. For them, engaging in illicit sex according to the copulation tantra is not regarded as violating precepts, but instead, it is believed to have great merits. In other words, tantric lamas have their own interpretation on the sin of illicit sex, which is defined differently from that of orthodox Buddhism. According to the definition by Tibetan “Buddhism,” the precept of no sexual misconduct is violated only when the tantric practitioners ejaculate during sexual intercourse. Having sex with female followers is not considered as breaking the precept. Keeping the pure precept in orthodox Buddhism is not to have sex with women, but for tantric practitioners it refers to no ejaculation during sexual intercourse. The public generally regard that any monk who goes whoring is committing the crime of sexual misconduct. But the fundamental tenets of Tibetan “Buddhism” denote that such a sexual act is for practicing the “Buddha dharma” of the Highest Yoga Tantra. They even consider themselves dutifully endeavoring in cultivation. What could the decent Taiwanese do about it since the Couple-Practice Tantra is indeed the fundamental doctrine of Tibetan “Buddhism”?
Moreover, in some sects of Tibetan “Buddhism,” male practitioners who have received the secret empowerments are even allowed to have their mothers and daughters, sisters or adolescent girls as their copulating partners. Those practitioners are not considered to have violated the precept of no sexual misconduct, but are seen as those who keep the pure precept in Tibetan “Buddhism.” Furthermore, even female animals, corpses or ghosts can be regarded as the copulating partners like “Dakinis” or “Yoginis” and be used for sexual intercourse. Hence, it would not be surprising to learn that Naimai Rinpoche took the money offered by his followers to buy sex, nor will he be seen as violating the precepts. CEO Zhang points out that no wonder the director of the Religious Foundation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dawa Tsering, in a BCC News Network interviewed by correspondent Yujiao Huang, said that the notion of Confucian ethics hinders the propagation of Tibetan “Buddhism.” Therefore, from the viewpoint of “Confucian ethics,” lamas’ promiscuous conduct has already violated good social customs as well as sexual morality and is devoid of humanity. Unfortunately, it has long been a “common occurrence” amongst the lamas of Tibetan “Buddhism.” (Reported by Yuyue Lin) 20111222
Editor's Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on March 7, 2011.

Tibetan Buddhism sexually violates others’ wives and daughters, and is not Buddhism. | TrueHeartNews | Tibetan Buddhism is Lamaism, and is definitely not Buddhism.
Copied from True Enlightenment Education Foundation  http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/trueheart_en/21
The Enlightenment Practitioners Association   http://www.enllighten.org.tw/trueheart_en/21

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