
2011年8月3日 星期三

The actual number of sexual assault cases committed by the Tibetan Buddhist lamas significantly surpasses what has been reported

Published:2011/07/31 23:20 (By Guo FengYan of the True Heart News Interviewing team in Taipei) Executive Secretary of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation, Xiong Jun says that after the exposure of a lama’s sexual attack or scandal, the media can always uncover dozens more victims through tracking results of the police administration system and realize that the sexual assault cases committed by the lamas are actually 10 to 25 times more than what had been reported. Those sexual molesters, who are dressed in maroon robes, will become even more unbridled if they are not prosecuted. Women who have mistaken Tibetan Tantric Buddhism as orthodox Buddhism and supported it whole-heartedly often lack awareness and become vulnerable victims of sexual molestation. They would eventually forgo the religion in despair without knowing the fact that Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is just a counterfeit sect, namely pseudo Buddhism.

Xiong Jun points out that there were many female followers of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism who did not fully believe in the wholesomeness of the Buddha’s precepts. They had been constantly immersed in the heretical teachings of Tantric Buddhism and exposed to the images of copulating statues or thankas of the forged buddhas and bodhisattvas. They were inevitably convinced of the falsehood that they could "attain buddhahood in this life” or “fulfill the cultivation in a single lifetime.” This is like falling into a dark abyss with no return as the dark side of their soul had been erroneously cultivated. In the end, they were not able to resist the temptation of the seemingly highest cultivation – the “Highest Yoga Tantra,” and were determined to have sex with the lamas. For those who were with such fanatical belief and went to the lama’s cultivation center at night, they unavoidably brought disgrace and ruin upon themselves. We feel deeply sorry for them.
Although some lamas in the Tibetan cultivation centers do have spouse of their own (guru's wife), that does not diminish their sexual predation towards female followers. This is because the doctrines of Tibetan Tantrism teach them to be compassionate and help female followers to “become buddha” by practicing the dual operations of bliss and emptiness. The Dalai Lama also urges the lamas to have "love for all" and do their utmost to help all female followers to realize the "buddhahood" state of the dual operations of bliss and emptiness. As a result, those married lamas in Taiwan will not be satisfied only to have sex with their own wives, they will be more than happy to have sex with all their female followers except those who have neither beauty nor money to offer them. Xiong Jun, Executive Secretary of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation, explains that these lamas do not have any concept of Buddhist causality or any real sense of morality. The general public should be aware of the fact: All lama gurus have been made to believe the misconception that they are totally exempted from the Buddhist law of causality upon receiving the tantric samaya precepts at the initial empowerment. This evil dharma was invented by Tsongkhapa in the book of The Great Exposition of Tantra. Therefore, the lamas will not regard themselves as breaking the precepts, nor will they feel guilty when committing evil deeds while on their mission.
Xion Jun further explains that the samaya precepts of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism are definitely not the Buddha’s precepts. The lamas with the evil samaya precepts are obliged to have daily sexual intercourse with female followers to seek the state of dual operations of bliss and emptiness. This was the cause for the epidemic of syphilis in the areas like Tibet and Qinghai where Lamaism was widespread in the early years of the Republic. Therefore, members of a Tibetan cultivation center should take it seriously as a warning sign, when an ardent female devotee or a female follower who attends gathering regularly suddenly disappears and never shows up again.
Xiong Jun of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation appeals to the public that some people are credulous enough to believe in Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and the Dalai Lama unconditionally, even after learning that he emphasizes the couple-practice is a necessity. They purposely ignore the numerous media reports of Taiwanese women being sexually molested by the Tibetan lamas and still wish to get close to the lamas. Such mentality is simply blind religious faith, which entirely deviates from the doctrines of orthodox Buddhism! And this is also against the wellbeing of themselves and their families. (Reported by Guo Fengyan) 20110731
Editor's Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on February 15, 2011.
Tibetan Buddhism sexually violates others’ wives and daughters, and is not Buddhism. | TrueHeartNews | Tibetan Buddhism is Lamaism, and is definitely not Buddhism.

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