
2011年11月23日 星期三

Why is Tibetan “Buddhism” not Buddhism? - Part One of a Series Report - (reprint)

Published:2011/11/21 08:52
(By Lin Yuyue of the True Heart News Interviewing Team in Taipei) Zhang Gongpu, CEO of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation, says that although Tibetan “Buddhism” carries the name of Buddhism, it is actually a non-Buddhist school. Although its doctrine carries many Buddhist terms, it has nothing to do with Buddhism. It has completely changed the true Buddhism to a purely heretic one. Therefore, Tibetan “Buddhism” is fundamentally non-Buddhism. It is because Tibetan “Buddhism” does not take Buddha Sakyamuni as the ultimate teacher to rely on. All beginners of Tibetan “Buddhism” are instructed to firmly believe that their root gurus are the same without distinction as Buddhas and are even asked to honor and obey their root gurus more than Buddhas.

CEO Zhang further explains that the Buddha of Buddhism is Buddha Sakyamuni, the primary teacher. He did attain his Buddhahood through realizing the true mind and seeing the Buddha-nature. Having attained his unsurpassed perfect Buddhahood, He wholly deserves the ten titles of the Buddha: The One Worthy of Offering, The One with Right and Universal Knowledge, The One Perfected in Wisdom and Actions, Well Gone One, Teacher of Gods and Men, The One Who Understands the World, Unsurpassed Lord, Regulating Hero, Buddha, and The World Honored One. He became a Buddha through the root dhyanas – the four-dhyanas. He has perfectly fulfilled the four Prajnas to become a Buddha: His eighth vijnana has achieved the Prajna of Grand Perfect Mirror; His seventh vijana has achieved thePrajna of Equality in Nature; His sixth vijnana has achieved the Prajna of Wondrous Observations; His first fivevijnanas have achieved the Prajna of Accomplishing Deeds. He can start to teach Dharma to save beings right after becoming a Buddha. Everyone who has listened to the Buddha’s teachings can attain the pure dharma-eye (the First Fruition of liberation), and so on, including the Fourth Fruition of liberation as an arhat, and later, one might further become an enlightened bodhisattva who realizes True Suchness.
CEO Zhang continues: Tibetan “Buddhism” on the contrary claims it can make followers to “attain Buddhahood in a lifetime.” However, the term “Buddha” in Tibetan “Buddhism” refers to the “couple-body ‘Buddha’.” Both the male and the female of a couple can become “Buddha” through sexual intercourse. The process to attain Buddhahood in Tibetan “Buddhism” is not through practicing the four-dhyanas or through realizing the true reality of the dharma-realm, but through sexual enjoyment to achieve the “joyful couple-body ‘Buddhas’.” It is stated in the Buddhist sutra that a female body has obstacles that prevent her from becoming the following five beings: (1) a Brahma Heaven King, (2) Lord Shakra, (3) the king of Maras, (4) a Wheel-Turning Sage King, and (5) a Buddha. The Buddha states clearly that women possess these five obstacles; logically speaking, how can women “become Buddhas in a lifetime”? Besides, attaining Buddhahood is based on the wisdom of all seeds stored in the true mind, Tathagatagarbha. However, the teachings of Tibetan “Buddhism,” both the Svatantrika Madhyamika and the Prasangika Madhyamika, all negate the eighth vijnana Tathagatagarbha. They flagrantly violate the Buddha’s true teachings and openly claim that the conscious mind is the everlasting and indestructible mind. Therefore, this is apparent that the doctrines of Tibetan “Buddhism” have nothing to do with those of Buddhism and are all based on their own illusory and fallacious views.
CEO Zhang concludes: The fruition of Buddhahood, practice methods and sequence preached by Tibetan “Buddhism” have nothing to do with the teachings of Buddha Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. No matter how Tibetan Buddhists argue speciously or brag about their close ties with Buddhism, they should not claim the obscene and filthy copulation games as part of Buddhist practices. If Tibetan “Buddhism” can claim itself as Lamaism instead of Buddhism, the True Enlightenment Education Foundation would not bother to interfere, nor would the Foundation have the right to poke into the promiscuous practices of Tibetan “Buddhism.” However, Tibetan “Buddhism” fools the Buddhist community and the public by claiming its obscene and devious practice methods as the way to “Buddhahood.” Everyone who has a sense of justice should step forward and expose their fraud. All dharma masters, monks, and followers of Buddhism should speak out against Tibetan “Buddhism” and expel this non-Buddhist, the Dharma destroyer, out of Buddhism. (Reported by Lin Yuyue) 20111121
Editor's Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on May 30, 2011

Tibetan Buddhism sexually violates others’ wives and daughters, and is not Buddhism. | TrueHeartNews | Tibetan Buddhism is Lamaism, and is definitely not Buddhism.
Copied from True Enlightenment Education Foundation  http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/trueheart_en/19
The Enlightenment Practitioners Association   http://www.enllighten.org.tw/trueheart_en/19

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