更新日期:2012/05/12 09:23
As a matter of fact, many people have come to me and informed me about the misbehavior of some of the lamas over many years; moreover there is a deep unhappiness and disharmony among the residents. In the interest of protecting the center and the Dharma I requested the lamas there to step down. Shamelessly, in response, those lamas have decided with a lawyer to deny my authority as spiritual head of the lineage and this center.
(真心新聞網採訪組台北報導)藏傳佛教卡盧仁波切二世,在自拍影片「卡盧仁波切的自白Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche」中,以自身的經歷,踢爆喇嘛圈內性侵男童、爭權奪利的實況,更在自己的部落格寫下「心碎在法國 Broken hearted in France」。2011年4月19日,雖然他繼承了老卡盧仁波切的頭銜與資財,但他道出「厭倦了佛法政治,厭倦了佛法交易」的心情,告訴讀者:他需要支持,去改革「濫用權力、濫用金錢的制度」,將之改變為「尊重人、尊重修學者的制度」。以下是他最真切的自白:
As a matter of fact, many people have come to me and informed me about the misbehavior of some of the lamas over many years; moreover there is a deep unhappiness and disharmony among the residents. In the interest of protecting the center and the Dharma I requested the lamas there to step down. Shamelessly, in response, those lamas have decided with a lawyer to deny my authority as spiritual head of the lineage and this center.
Many times lamas talk about devotion. Devotion, devotion, devotion, but when I need to make a change that counters their plans, there is no agreement, no devotion. I am tired of Dharma politics. I am tired of Dharma business.
Many times lamas talk about devotion. Devotion, devotion, devotion, but when I need to make a change that counters their plans, there is no agreement, no devotion. I am tired of Dharma politics. I am tired of Dharma business.
既然這麼多年來,真誠的修行者來過(譯註:指法國勃艮第大區噶舉閉關中心Kagyu Ling),他們有的離開,有的感到失望,有的感到傷心…該是重新連結、將一切推回軌道的時候了。
Since all those years, sincere practitioners have come, many have left, many have been disillusioned, many are sad, it is time to reconnect and put things back on track.
Since all those years, sincere practitioners have come, many have left, many have been disillusioned, many are sad, it is time to reconnect and put things back on track.
我想要改革這個濫用權力、濫用金錢的制度,將它改變為尊重人、尊重修學者的制度。我想要護持佛法。我想要保持佛法的純淨。我想要護持Kagyu Ling。
I want to change the system for a system that doesn’t involve abuse of power or abuse of money and is respectful of people and students. I want to keep Dharma safe. I want to keep Dharma pure. I want to keep Kagyu Ling safe.
I want to change the system for a system that doesn’t involve abuse of power or abuse of money and is respectful of people and students. I want to keep Dharma safe. I want to keep Dharma pure. I want to keep Kagyu Ling safe.
I need prayers and support from all of you to put it right. Please join us in prayer and action during this difficult time. Sorry to bother you with bad news. I know that you have professional and family obligations, but at this time I really need you.
I need prayers and support from all of you to put it right. Please join us in prayer and action during this difficult time. Sorry to bother you with bad news. I know that you have professional and family obligations, but at this time I really need you.
After 3 years retreat, all the people are interested because you know they kind of think that I have this great qualification and something which I can remember about my past life and it's nothing like that.
After 3 years retreat, all the people are interested because you know they kind of think that I have this great qualification and something which I can remember about my past life and it's nothing like that.
I see all these Buddhist people who are not Buddhist. They look like a Buddhist and they sound like a Buddhist and they act like a Buddhist and I am so confused.
I see all these Buddhist people who are not Buddhist. They look like a Buddhist and they sound like a Buddhist and they act like a Buddhist and I am so confused.
因為,事實上高階喇嘛圈就是權力慾望的共同犯罪體,他們所謂的修行,是為了取得掌握世俗的權力,一切的行為都在這個最高原則下進行。張董事長說:卡盧二世在「卡盧仁波切的自白Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche」片中,坦白自爆喇嘛體制內不為人知的犯罪惡行:他們對外示現慈悲、仁愛、護法,事實上關起門來對付年幼的「轉世靈童」毫不手軟;他們的目的只有一個:控制這個所謂卡盧一世的轉世再來人,就能夠掌控整個教派的政治資源,包括金錢與權力。
值得觀察的是:當藏傳佛教隨著達賴喇嘛、諸仁波切、大小活佛出走西藏,活躍在自由民主的歐美各國時,新一代年輕喇嘛接受了西方的民主、人權思潮,會對藏傳佛教產生什麼樣的量變及質變? 張董事長認為,卡盧二世絕對不會是唯一一個跳出來向自家體制喊話的喇嘛,這從夏瑪巴公開揭露丹麥籍喇嘛Ole Nydahl性交雙修已經可以看出端倪。
尤其卡盧二世在《卡盧的自白Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche》、《心碎在法國 Broken hearted in France》、以及其它演說中流露的,明顯沒有傳統喇嘛沆瀣一氣、橫柴強入灶的歪理強辯。相反的,他正式揭發喇嘛們追逐權勢、彼此不滿、互相鬥爭的實情,以及喇嘛們甚至不惜訴請律師、想要將他拉下龍頭寶座。這顯示出卡盧二世本身不是一個具有傳統喇嘛思惟的喇嘛,他的作為流露出西方尊重個人、尊重民主、尊重自由、尊重人權的影響。
轉載自正覺教育基金會全球資訊網 http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/trueheart/222
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